Source code for psy_strat.strat_widget

"""Module for a widget for stratigraphic plots

This module defines the :class:`StratPlotsWidget` class that can be used to
manage stratigraphic plots. It is designed as a plugin for the
:class:`psyplot_gui.main.MainWindow` class"""
import sys
from itertools import chain
from psyplot_gui.compat.qtcompat import (
    QWidget, Qt, QTabWidget, QTreeWidget, QTreeWidgetItem, QVBoxLayout,
    QCheckBox, QAbstractItemView)
from psyplot_gui.common import DockMixin
import psyplot.project as psy
from psyplot.utils import unique_everseen

[docs]def get_stratplots_widgets(mainwindow=None): """Get the :class:`StraditizerWidgets` from the psyplot GUI mainwindow""" if mainwindow is None: from psyplot_gui.main import mainwindow if mainwindow is None: raise NotImplementedError( "Not running in interactive psyplot GUI!") try: stratplots = mainwindow.plugins[ 'psy_strat.strat_widget:StratPlotsWidget:stratplots'] except KeyError: raise KeyError('psy_strat not implemented as a GUI plugin!') return stratplots
[docs]class GrouperItem(QTreeWidgetItem): """An item whose contents is filled by a StratGrouper This item is automatically initialized by an instance of :class:`psy_strat.stratplot.StratGrouper`""" def __init__(self, grouper, tree, *args, **kwargs): super(QTreeWidgetItem, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.grouper = grouper self.tree = tree self.setText(0,
[docs] def add_array_children(self): arrays = self.grouper.arrays last = len(arrays) - 1 group = for i, arr in enumerate(arrays): child = QTreeWidgetItem(0) self.addChild(child) # variable name child.setText(0, str( # arrow buttons child.setText(1, u'⇧' if i else '') child.setText(2, u'⇩' if i < last else '') # checkbox cb = QCheckBox() cb.setChecked(self.grouper.is_visible(arr)) cb.stateChanged.connect(self.show_or_hide_func( self.tree.setItemWidget(child, 3, cb) # mean child.setText(4, '%1.3f' % arr.mean().values) # min child.setText(5, '%1.3f' % arr.min().values) # max child.setText(6, '%1.3f' % arr.max().values) # group if != group: child.setText(7, str(
[docs] def show_or_hide_func(self, name): """Create a function that displays or hides the plot for an array""" def func(state): if state == Qt.Checked: self.grouper.show_array(name) else: self.grouper.hide_array(name) self.grouper.figure.canvas.draw() return func
[docs]class StratPlotsWidget(QWidget, DockMixin): """A widget for managing the stratigraphic plots from the psy-strat package """ #: The title of the widget title = 'Stratigraphic plots' #: Display the dock widget at the right side of the GUI dock_position = Qt.RightDockWidgetArea @property def stratplotter_cls(self): """The :class:`psy_strat.plotters.StratPlotter` class if it's module has already been imported. Otherwise None.""" if 'psy_strat.plotters' not in sys.modules: return None from psy_strat.plotters import StratPlotter, BarStratPlotter return (StratPlotter, BarStratPlotter) @property def hidden(self): """True if there is no :class:`psy_strat.plotter.StratPlotter` in the current main project""" return self.stratplotter_cls is None or not bool(psy.gcp(True)( self.stratplotter_cls)) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(StratPlotsWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.tabs = QTabWidget(parent=self) self.trees = {} self.groupers = {} vbox.addWidget(self.tabs) self.setLayout(vbox) psy.Project.oncpchange.connect(self.update_trees_from_project)
[docs] def update_trees_from_project(self, project): """Add a new QTreeWidget from the main project""" # do nothing for subprojects and if the StratPlotter has not yet been # imported if not project.is_main or self.stratplotter_cls is None: return from psy_strat.stratplot import strat_groupers project = project(self.stratplotter_cls) datasets = project.datasets fnames = project.dsnames_map for num in set(self.groupers).difference(datasets): del self.groupers[num] tree = self.trees.pop(num) self.tabs.removeTab(self.tabs.indexOf(tree)) for num in set(datasets).difference(self.groupers): ds = datasets[num] ds_arr_names = [ arr.psy.arr_name for i, arr in enumerate(project) if num in project[i:i+1].datasets] arrs = project(arr_name=ds_arr_names) groupers = [] for group in unique_everseen( arr.attrs['maingroup'] for arr in arrs): arrays = project(maingroup=group) identifier = ds[group].identifier grouper_cls = strat_groupers[identifier] groupers.append(grouper_cls(arrays, use_weakref=True)) title = 'Dataset %i' % num if fnames[num]: title += ': ' + fnames[num] self.add_tree(groupers, title) if self.hidden: self.hide_plugin()
[docs] def move_selected_children(self, child, col): if col not in [1, 2] or child.parent() is None: return top = child.parent() selected = chain([child], top.tree.selectedItems()) up = col == 1 move = -1 if up else 1 children = sorted( unique_everseen( [child for child in selected if child.parent() is top], key=top.indexOfChild), key=top.indexOfChild, reverse=not up) current_indices = list(map(top.indexOfChild, children)) last = top.childCount() - 1 for current, child in zip(current_indices, children): if ((up and current == 0) or (not up and current == last)): return cb = top.tree.itemWidget(child, 3) checked = cb.isChecked() top.takeChild(current) if up: top.insertChild(current + move, child) else: if current == last - 1: top.addChild(child) else: top.insertChild(current + move, child) cb = QCheckBox() cb.setChecked(checked) cb.stateChanged.connect(top.show_or_hide_func(child.text(0))) top.tree.setItemWidget(child, 3, cb) for child in children: child.setSelected(True) for i, child in enumerate(map(top.child, range(last+1))): child.setText(1, u'⇧' if i > 0 else '') child.setText(2, u'⇩' if i < last else '') top.grouper.reorder( [child.text(0) for child in map(top.child, range(top.childCount()))]) top.grouper.figure.canvas.draw()
[docs] def add_tree(self, groupers, title=None): """Add a new QTreeWidget to the :attr:`tabs` widget""" tree = QTreeWidget(parent=self) tree.setColumnCount(7) tree.setHeaderLabels( ['Name', '', '', 'Visible', 'mean', 'min', 'max', 'Group']) ds = groupers[0].arrays[0].psy.base tree.itemClicked.connect(self.move_selected_children) tree.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.MultiSelection) # fill the tree for grouper in groupers: top = GrouperItem(grouper, tree, 0) tree.addTopLevelItem(top) top.add_array_children() self.tabs.addTab(tree, title or 'Dataset %i' % ds.psy.num) tree.expandAll() for i in range(7): tree.resizeColumnToContents(i) self.show_plugin() self.groupers[ds.psy.num] = groupers self.trees[ds.psy.num] = tree