Complex pollen diagram

This is an example of bars, stacked, lines and area plots in one single diagram.

We display pollen count data from the site Hoya del Castillo in Spain collected by Davis and Stevenson (2007) obtained from the European pollen database (EPD). We extended this data by two additional columns: summer (JJA) and winter (DJF) temperature.

We start by importing the necessary libraries. We use pandas to read and manage the pollen data and stratplot for it’s visualization.

import psyplot.project as psy
import pandas as pd
from psy_strat.stratplot import stratplot
import matplotlib as mpl

Adjusting the figure size and dpi improves the readability of the plots in this notebook.

    mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (16, 10)
mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 150

The data is stored as a comma-separated text file that can be loaded into a pandas.DataFrame using pandas pandas.read_csv function:

df = pd.read_csv('pollen-data.csv', index_col='agebp')
(34, 37)
DJF Temperature JJA Temperature Alnus Anthemis-type Artemisia Betula Bidens-type Carpinus Caryophyllaceae Cerealia-type ... Plantago coronopus Plantago major/P. media Plantago maritima Potamogeton Pteridium Quercus ilex-type Quercus suber-type Ruppia Sparganium Ulmus
4690 5.6125 21.1750 NaN NaN 4.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 1.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN 11.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
4890 6.3375 21.8250 1.0 NaN 6.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 7.0 3.0 NaN NaN 2.0 13.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
5087 6.2750 21.8750 NaN NaN 8.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 8.0 1.0 NaN NaN NaN 21.0 NaN 1.0 NaN NaN
5278 4.8750 20.8250 NaN NaN 7.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 2.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN 24.0 NaN 3.0 NaN NaN
5465 2.2750 20.3125 1.0 NaN 4.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 1.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.0 NaN 1.0 NaN NaN

5 rows × 37 columns

This data contains 34 samples and 37 columns. Note that we chose the DataFrame to be indexed by the 'agebp' column. This will be the vertical axis of our stratigraphic diagram that is shared between all the variables.

Now we can display this dataframe using stratplot:

sp, groupers = stratplot(df)

You see now one plot for each column in the above dataframe. However, this figure is not very informative. The x-axis labels are hardly readable and the taxa all have different scalings. We can significantly improve this plot by grouping the variables together.

Luckily, the EPD comes with a mapping from taxon name to group names. This mapping is stored in the tab separated file epd-groups.tsv:

groups = pd.read_csv('epd-groups.tsv', delimiter='\t', index_col=0)
Abies Trees and shrubs
Abies undiff. Trees and shrubs
Acacia Trees and shrubs
Acer Trees and shrubs
Acer cf. A. campestre Trees and shrubs

Using this data, we can group the columns in our DataFrame using the following function:

def grouper(col):
    if 'Temperature' in col:
        return 'Temperature'
        return groups.groupname.loc[col]

And have a look into how this functions groups our data:

group2taxon = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(df.groupby(grouper, axis=1).groups, orient='index').T
Aquatics Dwarf shrubs Helophytes Herbs Nonpollen Temperature Trees and shrubs Vascular cryptogams (Pteridophytes)
0 Potamogeton Ericaceae Sparganium Anthemis-type Concentration pollen DJF Temperature Alnus Filicopsida
1 Ruppia Artemisia JJA Temperature Betula Pteridium
2 Bidens-type Carpinus
3 Caryophyllaceae Corylus
4 Cerealia-type Ephedra distachya-type
5 Chenopodiaceae Ephedra fragilis-type
6 Compositae subf. Cichorioideae Juniperus
7 Cruciferae Olea
8 Cyperaceae Pinus
9 Filipendula Quercus ilex-type
10 Gramineae Quercus suber-type
11 Helianthemum-type Ulmus
12 Mentha-type
13 Plantago coronopus
14 Plantago major/P. media
15 Plantago maritima

For our pollen diagram, we are actually only interested in Temperature, Herbs, Trees and shrubs. Therefore we can exclude the other groups from our plot using the exclude parameter of stratplot. Additionally we transform the pollen counts into percentages to get a better scaling of the diagram. Since Trees and shrubs and Herbs should both be considered when calculating the percentages, we additionally put them into a larger Pollen group.

sp, groupers = stratplot(
    df, grouper,
    widths={'Temperature': 0.1, 'Pollen': 0.9},
    subgroups={'Pollen': ['Trees and shrubs', 'Herbs']},
    exclude=['Aquatics', 'Dwarf shrubs', 'Helophytes', 'Nonpollen',
             'Vascular cryptogams (Pteridophytes)'])

This diagram already looks much better, however there are still to many taxa in there that have only very little amount of data. Therefore we use the thresh parameter to set a threshold of 1%. Every taxon now that is never above 1% will not be displayed.

Additionally we apply a new order to the columns such that we put Juniperus, Pinus and Quercus ilex-type, and then the other trees and shrubs to the left. Note that, if you run this in the psyplot GUI, you can change the order of the variables more easily without scripting. However, it is also not so difficult using the reorder method of the grouper for the pollen variables.

sp, groupers = stratplot(
    df, grouper,
    widths={'Temperature': 0.1, 'Pollen': 0.9},
    subgroups={'Pollen': ['Trees and shrubs', 'Herbs']},
    exclude=['Aquatics', 'Dwarf shrubs', 'Helophytes', 'Nonpollen',
             'Vascular cryptogams (Pteridophytes)'])

# apply a new order where we first display Juniperus, Pinus and Quercus, and then the rest
pollen_grouper = groupers[1]
first_taxa = ['Juniperus', 'Pinus', 'Quercus ilex-type']
remaining_trees = group2taxon['Trees and shrubs'][
    ~group2taxon['Trees and shrubs'].isin(first_taxa)].dropna().tolist()

neworder = first_taxa + remaining_trees

Finally, we can display the temperature columns in one single diagram because they share the same units. This is done using the all_in_one parameter. Additionally we can include a sum of the different pollen subgroups using the summed parameter.

sp, groupers = stratplot(
    df, grouper,
    summed=['Trees and shrubs', 'Herbs'],
    widths={'Temperature': 0.1, 'Pollen': 0.9},
    subgroups={'Pollen': ['Trees and shrubs', 'Herbs']},
    exclude=['Aquatics', 'Dwarf shrubs', 'Helophytes', 'Nonpollen',
             'Vascular cryptogams (Pteridophytes)'])

# apply a new order where we first display Juniperus, Pinus and Quercus, and then the rest
pollen_grouper = groupers[1]
first_taxa = ['Juniperus', 'Pinus', 'Quercus ilex-type']
remaining_trees = group2taxon['Trees and shrubs'][
    ~group2taxon['Trees and shrubs'].isin(first_taxa)].dropna().tolist()

neworder = first_taxa + remaining_trees

Last but not least, let’s talk a bit about the final layout. To better distinguish herbs from Trees and shrubs, we can display this group using a bar plot by making use of the use_bars parameter of stratplot. Furthermore we decrease the size of the groupers and increase the height of the plot using the trunc_height parameter.

Additionally we can use the psyplot framework to do some changes to the colors, etc..:

  • display trees in green

  • exaggerate the trees by a factor of 4

  • highlight low pollen occurences below 1% with a +

  • change the JJA temperature curve to red

  • change the legendlabels for temperature

  • change x- and y-label for temperature

This modifications make the plot look much nicer!

sp, groupers = stratplot(
    df, grouper,
    summed=['Trees and shrubs', 'Herbs'],
    widths={'Temperature': 0.1, 'Pollen': 0.9},
    subgroups={'Pollen': ['Trees and shrubs', 'Herbs']},
    exclude=['Aquatics', 'Dwarf shrubs', 'Helophytes', 'Nonpollen',
             'Vascular cryptogams (Pteridophytes)'])

# apply a new order where we first display Juniperus, Pinus and Quercus, and then the rest
pollen_grouper = groupers[1]
first_taxa = ['Juniperus', 'Pinus', 'Quercus ilex-type']
remaining_trees = group2taxon['Trees and shrubs'][
    ~group2taxon['Trees and shrubs'].isin(first_taxa)].dropna().tolist()

neworder = first_taxa + remaining_trees

# -- psyplot update
blue = '#1f77b4'
orange = '#ff7f0e'
green = '#2ca02c'
red = '#d62728'

# change the color of trees and shrubs to green
sp(group='Trees and shrubs').update(color=[green])

# exaggerate the trees with low counts by a factor of 4
sp(name=remaining_trees).update(exag='areax', exag_factor=4)

# mark small taxon occurences below 1% with a +

# change the color of JJA temperature to red, shorten legend labels and
# change the x- and y-label
sp(group='Temperature').update(color=[blue, red], legendlabels=['DJF', 'JJA'],
                               ylabel='Age BP [years]', xlabel='$^\circ$C',
                               legend={'loc': 'lower left'})

# change the color of the summed trees and shrubs to green and put the legend
# on the bottom
sp(group='Summed').update(color=[green, orange], legend={'loc': 'lower left'})


  • Davis, B.A. and Stevenson, A.C., 2007. The 8.2 ka event and Early–Mid Holocene forests, fires and flooding in the Central Ebro Desert, NE Spain. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26(13-14), pp.1695-1712.

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