Source code for psy_strat.plotters

"""plotters module of the psy-strat psyplot plugin

This module defines the plotters for the psy-strat package.
from __future__ import division
import textwrap
from itertools import cycle
from import safe_list
from psyplot.plotter import (
    Formatoption, DictFormatoption, BEFOREPLOTTING, START)
import six
import psy_simple.plotters as psyps
from psy_simple.base import (
    TextBase, label_props, label_size, label_weight, Title)
import numpy as np

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------- Formatoptions ----------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class TitleLoc(Formatoption): """ Specify the position of the axes title Parameters ---------- str The position the axes title center In the center of the axes (the standard way) left At the left corner right At the right corner""" group = name = 'Location of the axes title'
[docs] def update(self, value): # value is considered in title formatoption pass
[docs]class LeftTitle(Title): """ Show the title Set the title of the plot. %(replace_note)s Possible types -------------- str The title for the :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.title` function. Notes ----- This is the title of this specific subplot! For the title of the whole figure, see the :attr:`figtitle` formatoption. See Also -------- title_loc: The location of the title figtitle, titlesize, titleweight, titleprops""" # Reimplemented to plot the title on the left side dependencies = Title.dependencies + ['title_loc']
[docs] def initialize_plot(self, value): arr = self.texts = [ self.replace(value, arr, attrs=self.enhanced_attrs), loc=self.title_loc.value)]
[docs] def update(self, value): for t in self.texts: t.set_text('') self.initialize_plot(value)
[docs]class TitleWrap(Formatoption): """ Wrap the title automatically This formatoption wraps the title using :func:`textwrap.wrap`. Possible types -------------- int If 0, the title will not be rapped, otherwise it will be wrapped after the given number of characters Notes ----- This wraps the title after a certain amount of characters. For wrapping the text automatically before it leaves the plot area, use ``titleprops=dict(wrap=True)`` """ group = 'labels' name = 'Wrap the title' dependencies = ['title']
[docs] def update(self, value): if value: for t in self.title.texts: t.set_text('\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(t.get_text(), value)))
[docs]class AxesGrouper(TextBase, Formatoption): """ Group several axes through a bar This formatoption groups several plots on the same row by drawing a bar over them Possible types -------------- None To not do anything tuple (float ``y``, str ``s``) A tuple of length 2, where the first parameter ``0<=y<=1`` determines the distance of the bar to the top y-axis and the second is the title of the group. `y` must be given relative to the axes height. """ texts = [] annotations = [] value2share = None name = 'Group the axes' dependencies = ['titleprops', 'title']
[docs] def initialize_plot(self, value): self.texts = [] self.annotations = [] super(AxesGrouper, self).initialize_plot(value) # redraw the annotation on resize to make sure it stays at the same # place as the text'resize_event', self.onresize)
[docs] def update(self, value): self.remove() if value is None: return self.set_params(value) self.create_text(value) self.create_annotations()
[docs] def create_text(self, value): if self.angle == 90: xstart = self.y_px else: xstart = self.y_px * np.tan(self.angle * np.pi / 180.) tr = xstart = tr.transform((xstart, self.y_px))[0] self.texts.append( + (self.x0 + self.x1) / 2.0, + self.y, self.replace(value[1],, ha='center', va='bottom',, bbox=dict(facecolor='w', edgecolor='none')))
[docs] def create_annotations(self): """Annotate from the left to the right axes""" fmtos = [self] + list(self.shared) boxes = [ for fmto in fmtos] fmto0 = min(zip(fmtos, boxes), key=lambda t: t[1].x0)[0] fmto1 = max(zip(fmtos, boxes), key=lambda t: t[1].x0)[0] t0 = t1 = kws = dict( zorder=self.texts[0].get_zorder() - 0.1, arrowprops=dict( arrowstyle="-", connectionstyle="angle,angleA=%1.3f,angleB=0" % self.angle)) ax = self.annotations = [ ax.annotate("", (0.0, 0.5), (0.0, 0.0), self.texts[0], t0, **kws), ax.annotate("", (1.0, 0.5), (0.0, 0.0), self.texts[0], t1, **kws)]
[docs] def set_params(self, value): """Set the parameters for the annotation and the text""" y, s = value this_bbox = if not self.shared: x0 = this_bbox.x0 x1 = this_bbox.x1 top = this_bbox.y1 else: boxes = [this_bbox] + [ for fmto in self.shared] top = max(bbox.y1 for bbox in boxes) x0 = min(bbox.x0 for bbox in boxes) x1 = max(bbox.x0 for bbox in boxes) self.x0 = x0 self.x1 = x1 tr = self.y = y * this_bbox.height self.y_px = (tr.transform((x0, top + self.y))[1] - tr.transform((x0, top))[1]) = top self.angle = self.titleprops.value.get('rotation', 45)
[docs] def onresize(self, event): if self.shared: self.update(self.value)
[docs] def remove(self, annotation=True, text=True): if text: for t in self.texts[:]: t.remove() self.texts.remove(t) if annotation: for a in self.annotations: a.remove() self.annotations.clear()
[docs]class AxisLineStyle(DictFormatoption): """ Set the linestyle the x- and y-axes This formatoption sets the linestyle of the left, right, bottom and top axis. Possible types -------------- dict Keys may be one of {'right', 'left', 'bottom', 'top'}, the values can be any valid linestyle or None to use the default style. The line style string can be one of (['solid' | 'dashed', 'dashdot', 'dotted' | (offset, on-off-dash-seq) | '-' | '--' | '-.' | ':' | 'None' | ' ' | '']).""" group = 'axes' name = 'Linestyle of x- and y-axes' @property def value2pickle(self): """Return the current axis colors""" return {key: s.get_linestyle() for key, s in}
[docs] def initialize_plot(self, value): positions = ['right', 'left', 'bottom', 'top'] #: :class:`dict` storing the default linewidths self.default_lw = dict(zip(positions, map( lambda pos:[pos].get_linewidth(), positions))) self.update(value)
[docs] def update(self, value): for pos, style in six.iteritems(value): spine =[pos] spine.set_linestyle(style) if self is not None and spine.get_linewidth() == 0.0: spine.set_linewidth(1.0) elif self is None: spine.set_linestyle('solid') spine.set_linewidth(self.default_lw[pos])
[docs]class MeasurementLines(Formatoption): """ Draw lines at the measurement locations Possible types -------------- None Don't draw any lines color The color of the lines """ default = None artists = None dependencies = ['transpose', 'xlim', 'plot']
[docs] def update(self, value): self.remove() if value is None: return get_y = self.transpose.get_y ys = np.unique(np.concatenate([get_y(arr) for arr in self.iter_data])) if self.plot.value is not None: kws = {'zorder': self.plot._plot[0].get_zorder() - 0.2} else: kws = {} self.artists =, *self.xlim.range, color=value, **kws)
[docs] def remove(self): if self.artists is not None: self.artists.remove() self.artists = None
[docs]class ExagFactor(Formatoption): """ The exaggerations factor Possible types -------------- float The factor by how much the data should be exaggerated See Also -------- exag_color, exag """ priority = BEFOREPLOTTING name = 'Exaggeration factor'
[docs] def update(self, value): # Does nothing pass
[docs]class ExagPlot(psyps.LinePlot): __doc__ = psyps.LinePlot.__doc__ dependencies = ['exag_factor']
[docs] def plot_arr(self, arr, *args, **kwargs): return super(ExagPlot, self).plot_arr( arr * self.exag_factor.value, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Occurences(Formatoption): """ Specify the range for occurences This formatoption can be used to specify a minimum and a maximum value. The parts of the data that fall into this range will be considered as an occurence, set to 0 and marked by the :attr:`occurence_value` formatoption Possible types -------------- None Do not mark anything as an occurence float Anything below the given number will be considered as an occurence tuple of floats ``(vmin, vmax)`` The minimum and maximum value. Anything between `vmin` and `vmax` will be marked as a occurence See Also -------- occurence_marker, occurence_value """ name = 'Occurences range' priority = START children = ['maskless', 'maskleq', 'maskgreater', 'maskgeq']
[docs] def update(self, value): if value is None: return self.occurences = [] try: value = list(value) except TypeError: value = [-np.inf, value] vmin, vmax = value for i, arr in enumerate(self.iter_data): new_arr = arr.copy(True) mask = (arr.values >= vmin) & (arr.values <= vmax) self.occurences.append(mask) new_arr.values[mask] = 0 self.set_data(new_arr, i)
[docs]class OccurenceMarker(Formatoption): """ Specify the marker for occurences This formatoption can be used to define the marker style for occurences. Possible types -------------- None Use the mean of the axes limits float Specify the x-value for an occurence list of floats Specify the x-value for an occurence for each array explicitly See Also -------- occurences, occurence_value """ name = 'Marker for the occurences'
[docs] def update(self, value): # Does nothing, value is used in :meth:`OccurencePlot.update` pass
[docs]class OccurencePlot(Formatoption): """ Specify the value to use for occurences in the plot This formatoption can be used to define where the occurence marker should be placed. Possible types -------------- None Use the mean of the axes limits float Specify the x-value for an occurence list of floats Specify the x-value for an occurence for each array explicitly See Also -------- occurences, occurence_marker """ dependencies = ['occurences', 'xlim', 'occurence_marker', 'color', 'transpose'] _artists = None name = 'Occurence plot value'
[docs] def update(self, value): self.remove() if self.occurences.value is None: return elif value is None: value = np.mean(self.xlim.range) self._artists = artists = [] for mask, arr, val, color, marker in zip( self.occurences.occurences, self.iter_data, cycle(safe_list(value)), self.color.colors, cycle(self.occurence_marker.value)): x = arr[arr.dims[-1]].values[mask] y = [val] * len(x) if self.transpose.value: x, y = y, x artists.extend(, y, marker=marker, color=color, lw=0))
[docs] def remove(self): if self._artists is not None: for a in self._artists: try: a.remove() except ValueError: pass del self._artists
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------ Plotters ------------------------------------- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class StratPlotter(psyps.LinePlotter): """A plotter for stratigraphic diagrams""" _rcparams_string = ['plotter.strat.'] axislinestyle = AxisLineStyle('axislinestyle') title_loc = TitleLoc('title_loc') title = LeftTitle('title') title_wrap = TitleWrap('title_wrap') grouper = AxesGrouper('grouper') grouperprops = label_props(grouper) grouperweight = label_weight(grouper) groupersize = label_size(grouper) hlines = MeasurementLines('hlines') exag_color = psyps.LineColors('exag_color') exag_factor = ExagFactor('exag_factor') exag = ExagPlot('exag', color='exag_color') # occurences occurences = Occurences('occurences') occurence_marker = OccurenceMarker('occurence_marker') occurence_value = OccurencePlot('occurence_value')
[docs]class BarStratPlotter(psyps.BarPlotter): """A bar plotter for stratigraphic diagrams""" _rcparams_string = ['plotter.strat.', 'plotter.barstrat.'] axislinestyle = AxisLineStyle('axislinestyle') title_loc = TitleLoc('title_loc') title = LeftTitle('title') title_wrap = TitleWrap('title_wrap') grouper = AxesGrouper('grouper') grouperprops = label_props(grouper) grouperweight = label_weight(grouper) groupersize = label_size(grouper) hlines = MeasurementLines('hlines') exag_color = psyps.LineColors('exag_color') exag_factor = ExagFactor('exag_factor') exag = ExagPlot('exag', color='exag_color') # occurences occurences = Occurences('occurences') occurence_marker = OccurenceMarker('occurence_marker') occurence_value = OccurencePlot('occurence_value')