psy_strat.plotters module

plotters module of the psy-strat psyplot plugin

This module defines the plotters for the psy-strat package.

Formatoption classes

AxesGrouper(key[, plotter, index_in_list, …])

Group several axes through a bar

AxisLineStyle(key[, plotter, index_in_list, …])

Set the linestyle the x- and y-axes

ExagFactor(key[, plotter, index_in_list, …])

The exaggerations factor

ExagPlot(*args, **kwargs)

Choose the line style of the plot

LeftTitle(key[, plotter, index_in_list, …])

Show the title

MeasurementLines(key[, plotter, …])

Draw lines at the measurement locations

OccurenceMarker(key[, plotter, …])

Specify the marker for occurences

OccurencePlot(key[, plotter, index_in_list, …])

Specify the value to use for occurences in the plot

Occurences(key[, plotter, index_in_list, …])

Specify the range for occurences

TitleLoc(key[, plotter, index_in_list, …])

Specify the position of the axes title

TitleWrap(key[, plotter, index_in_list, …])

Wrap the title automatically

Plotter classes

BarStratPlotter([data, ax, auto_update, …])

A bar plotter for stratigraphic diagrams

StratPlotter([data, ax, auto_update, …])

A plotter for stratigraphic diagrams

class psy_strat.plotters.AxesGrouper(key, plotter=None, index_in_list=None, additional_children=[], additional_dependencies=[], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: psy_simple.base.TextBase, psyplot.plotter.Formatoption

Group several axes through a bar

This formatoption groups several plots on the same row by drawing a bar over them

Possible types



Built-in mutable sequence.


Built-in mutable sequence.


str(object=’’) -> str


Built-in mutable sequence.


title Formatoption instance in the plotter


titleprops Formatoption instance in the plotter



Annotate from the left to the right axes



Method that is called when the plot is made the first time


remove([annotation, text])

Method to remove the effects of this formatoption


Set the parameters for the annotation and the text


Method that is call to update the formatoption on the axes

  • None – To not do anything

  • tuple (float y, str s) – A tuple of length 2, where the first parameter 0<=y<=1 determines the distance of the bar to the top y-axis and the second is the title of the group. y must be given relative to the axes height.

  • key (str) – formatoption key in the plotter

  • plotter (psyplot.plotter.Plotter) – Plotter instance that holds this formatoption. If None, it is assumed that this instance serves as a descriptor.

  • index_in_list (int or None) – The index that shall be used if the data is a psyplot.InteractiveList

  • additional_children (list or str) – Additional children to use (see the children attribute)

  • additional_dependencies (list or str) – Additional dependencies to use (see the dependencies attribute)

  • **kwargs – Further keywords may be used to specify different names for children, dependencies and connection formatoptions that match the setup of the plotter. Hence, keywords may be anything of the children, dependencies and connections attributes, with values being the name of the new formatoption in this plotter.

annotations = []

Annotate from the left to the right axes

dependencies = ['titleprops', 'title']

Method that is called when the plot is made the first time


value – The value to use for the initialization

name = 'Group the axes'
remove(annotation=True, text=True)[source]

Method to remove the effects of this formatoption

This method is called when the axes is cleared due to a formatoption with requires_clearing set to True. You don’t necessarily have to implement this formatoption if your plot results are removed by the usual matplotlib.axes.Axes.clear() method.


Set the parameters for the annotation and the text

texts = []
property title

title Formatoption instance in the plotter

property titleprops

titleprops Formatoption instance in the plotter


Method that is call to update the formatoption on the axes


value – Value to update

value2share = None
class psy_strat.plotters.AxisLineStyle(key, plotter=None, index_in_list=None, additional_children=[], additional_dependencies=[], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: psyplot.plotter.DictFormatoption

Set the linestyle the x- and y-axes

This formatoption sets the linestyle of the left, right, bottom and top axis.

Possible types



str(object=’’) -> str


str(object=’’) -> str


Return the current axis colors



Method that is called when the plot is made the first time


Method that is call to update the formatoption on the axes

dict – Keys may be one of {‘right’, ‘left’, ‘bottom’, ‘top’}, the values can be any valid linestyle or None to use the default style. The line style string can be one of ([‘solid’ | ‘dashed’, ‘dashdot’, ‘dotted’ | (offset, on-off-dash-seq) | ‘-‘ | ‘–’ | ‘-.’ | ‘:’ | ‘None’ | ‘ ‘ | ‘’]).

  • key (str) – formatoption key in the plotter

  • plotter (psyplot.plotter.Plotter) – Plotter instance that holds this formatoption. If None, it is assumed that this instance serves as a descriptor.

  • index_in_list (int or None) – The index that shall be used if the data is a psyplot.InteractiveList

  • additional_children (list or str) – Additional children to use (see the children attribute)

  • additional_dependencies (list or str) – Additional dependencies to use (see the dependencies attribute)

  • **kwargs – Further keywords may be used to specify different names for children, dependencies and connection formatoptions that match the setup of the plotter. Hence, keywords may be anything of the children, dependencies and connections attributes, with values being the name of the new formatoption in this plotter.

group = 'axes'

Method that is called when the plot is made the first time


value – The value to use for the initialization

name = 'Linestyle of x- and y-axes'

Method that is call to update the formatoption on the axes


value – Value to update

property value2pickle

Return the current axis colors

class psy_strat.plotters.BarStratPlotter(data=None, ax=None, auto_update=None, project=None, draw=False, make_plot=True, clear=False, enable_post=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: psy_simple.plotters.BarPlotter

A bar plotter for stratigraphic diagrams

  • data (InteractiveArray or ArrayList, optional) – Data object that shall be visualized. If given and plot is True, the initialize_plot() method is called at the end. Otherwise you can call this method later by yourself

  • ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes) – Matplotlib Axes to plot on. If None, a new one will be created as soon as the initialize_plot() method is called

  • auto_update (bool) – Default: None. A boolean indicating whether this list shall automatically update the contained arrays when calling the update() method or not. See also the no_auto_update attribute. If None, the value from the 'lists.auto_update' key in the psyplot.rcParams dictionary is used.

  • draw (bool or None) – Boolean to control whether the figure of this array shall be drawn at the end. If None, it defaults to the ‘auto_draw’` parameter in the psyplot.rcParams dictionary

  • make_plot (bool) – If True, and data is not None, the plot is initialized. Otherwise only the framework between plotter and data is set up

  • clear (bool) – If True, the axes is cleared first

  • enable_post (bool) – If True, the post formatoption is enabled and post processing scripts are allowed

  • **kwargs – Any formatoption key from the formatoptions attribute that shall be used

Axes formatoptions


Set the linestyle the x- and y-axes


Color the x- and y-axes


Display the grid


Automatically adjust the plots.


Switch x- and y-axes


Set the x-axis limits


Set the y-axis limits

Plot formatoptions


Choose the line style of the plot


Choose how to make the bar plot

Color coding formatoptions


Set the color coding


Set the color coding

Miscallaneous formatoptions


The exaggerations factor


Draw lines at the measurement locations


Specify the marker for occurences


Specify the value to use for occurences in the plot


Specify the range for occurences


Specify the transparency (alpha)


The location of each bar


Draw a legend


Set the labels of the arrays in the legend


Make x- and y-axis symmetric


Change the ticksize of the ticklabels


Change the fontweight of the ticks


Specify the widths of the bars

Label formatoptions


Group several axes through a bar


Properties of the grouper


Set the size of the grouper


Set the fontweight of the grouper


Show the title


Specify the position of the axes title


Wrap the title automatically


Plot a figure title


Properties of the figure title


Set the size of the figure title


Set the fontweight of the figure title


Set the font properties of both, x- and y-label


Set the size of both, x- and y-label


Set the font size of both, x- and y-label


Add text anywhere on the plot


Properties of the title


Set the size of the title


Set the fontweight of the title


Set the x-axis label


Set the y-axis label

Axis tick formatoptions


Rotate the x-axis ticks


Modify the x-axis ticklabels


Specify the x-axis tick parameters


Modify the x-axis ticks


Rotate the y-axis ticks


Modify the y-axis ticklabels


Specify the y-axis tick parameters


Modify the y-axis ticks

Masking formatoptions


Mask data points between two numbers


Mask data points greater than or equal to a number


Mask data points greater than a number


Mask data points smaller than or equal to a number


Mask data points smaller than a number

Data manipulation formatoptions


Use an alternative variable as x-coordinate

Post processing formatoptions


Apply your own postprocessing script


Determine when to run the post formatoption


Set the linestyle the x- and y-axes

This formatoption sets the linestyle of the left, right, bottom and top axis.

Possible types

dict – Keys may be one of {‘right’, ‘left’, ‘bottom’, ‘top’}, the values can be any valid linestyle or None to use the default style. The line style string can be one of ([‘solid’ | ‘dashed’, ‘dashdot’, ‘dotted’ | (offset, on-off-dash-seq) | ‘-‘ | ‘–’ | ‘-.’ | ‘:’ | ‘None’ | ‘ ‘ | ‘’]).


Choose the line style of the plot

Possible types

  • None – Don’t make any plotting

  • 'area' – To make an area plot (filled between y=0 and y), see matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between()

  • 'areax' – To make a transposed area plot (filled between x=0 and x), see matplotlib.pyplot.fill_betweenx()

  • 'stacked' – Make a stacked plot

  • str or list of str – The line style string to use ([‘solid’ | ‘dashed’, ‘dashdot’, ‘dotted’ | (offset, on-off-dash-seq) | ‘-‘ | ‘–’ | ‘-.’ | ‘:’ | ‘None’ | ‘ ‘ | ‘’]).


Set the color coding

This formatoptions sets the color of the lines, bars, etc.

Possible types

  • None – to use the axes color_cycle

  • iterable – (e.g. list) to specify the colors manually

  • str – Strings may be any valid colormap name suitable for the function or one of the color lists defined in the ‘colors.cmaps’ key of the psyplot.rcParams dictionary (including their reversed color maps given via the ‘_r’ extension).

  • matplotlib.colors.ColorMap – to automatically choose the colors according to the number of lines, etc. from the given colormap


The exaggerations factor

Possible types

float – The factor by how much the data should be exaggerated

See also

exag_color, exag


Group several axes through a bar

This formatoption groups several plots on the same row by drawing a bar over them

Possible types

  • None – To not do anything

  • tuple (float y, str s) – A tuple of length 2, where the first parameter 0<=y<=1 determines the distance of the bar to the top y-axis and the second is the title of the group. y must be given relative to the axes height.


Properties of the grouper

Specify the font properties of the figure title manually.

Possible types

dict – Items may be any valid text property


Set the size of the grouper

Possible types

  • float – The absolute font size in points (e.g., 12)

  • string – Strings might be ‘xx-small’, ‘x-small’, ‘small’, ‘medium’, ‘large’, ‘x-large’, ‘xx-large’.


Set the fontweight of the grouper

Possible types

  • float – a float between 0 and 1000

  • string – Possible strings are one of ‘ultralight’, ‘light’, ‘normal’, ‘regular’, ‘book’, ‘medium’, ‘roman’, ‘semibold’, ‘demibold’, ‘demi’, ‘bold’, ‘heavy’, ‘extra bold’, ‘black’.


Draw lines at the measurement locations

Possible types

  • None – Don’t draw any lines

  • color – The color of the lines


Specify the marker for occurences

This formatoption can be used to define the marker style for occurences.

Possible types

  • None – Use the mean of the axes limits

  • float – Specify the x-value for an occurence

  • list of floats – Specify the x-value for an occurence for each array explicitly


Specify the value to use for occurences in the plot

This formatoption can be used to define where the occurence marker should be placed.

Possible types

  • None – Use the mean of the axes limits

  • float – Specify the x-value for an occurence

  • list of floats – Specify the x-value for an occurence for each array explicitly


Specify the range for occurences

This formatoption can be used to specify a minimum and a maximum value. The parts of the data that fall into this range will be considered as an occurence, set to 0 and marked by the occurence_value formatoption

Possible types

  • None – Do not mark anything as an occurence

  • float – Anything below the given number will be considered as an occurence

  • tuple of floats (vmin, vmax) – The minimum and maximum value. Anything between vmin and vmax will be marked as a occurence


Show the title

Set the title of the plot. You can insert any meta key from the xarray.DataArray.attrs via a string like '%(key)s'. Furthermore there are some special cases:

  • Strings like '%Y', '%b', etc. will be replaced using the datetime.datetime.strftime() method as long as the data has a time coordinate and this can be converted to a datetime object.

  • '%(x)s', '%(y)s', '%(z)s', '%(t)s' will be replaced by the value of the x-, y-, z- or time coordinate (as long as this coordinate is one-dimensional in the data)

  • any attribute of one of the above coordinates is inserted via axis + key (e.g. the name of the x-coordinate can be inserted via '%(xname)s').

  • Labels defined in the psyplot.rcParams 'texts.labels' key are also replaced when enclosed by ‘{}’. The standard labels are

    • tinfo: %H:%M

    • dtinfo: %B %d, %Y. %H:%M

    • dinfo: %B %d, %Y

    • desc: %(long_name)s [%(units)s]

    • sdesc: %(name)s [%(units)s]

Possible types

str – The title for the title() function.


This is the title of this specific subplot! For the title of the whole figure, see the figtitle formatoption.

See also


The location of the title

figtitle, titlesize, titleweight, titleprops


Specify the position of the axes title



The position the axes title


In the center of the axes (the standard way)


At the left corner


At the right corner


Wrap the title automatically

This formatoption wraps the title using textwrap.wrap().

Possible types

int – If 0, the title will not be rapped, otherwise it will be wrapped after the given number of characters


This wraps the title after a certain amount of characters. For wrapping the text automatically before it leaves the plot area, use titleprops=dict(wrap=True)


Color the x- and y-axes

This formatoption colors the left, right, bottom and top axis bar.

Possible types

dict – Keys may be one of {‘right’, ‘left’, ‘bottom’, ‘top’}, the values can be any valid color or None.


The following color abbreviations are supported:



















In addition, you can specify colors in many weird and wonderful ways, including full names ('green'), hex strings ('#008000'), RGB or RGBA tuples ((0,1,0,1)) or grayscale intensities as a string ('0.8').


Display the grid

Show the grid on the plot with the specified color.

Possible types

  • None – If the grid is currently shown, it will not be displayed any longer. If the grid is not shown, it will be drawn

  • bool – If True, the grid is displayed with the automatic settings (usually black)

  • string, tuple. – Defines the color of the grid.


The following color abbreviations are supported:



















In addition, you can specify colors in many weird and wonderful ways, including full names ('green'), hex strings ('#008000'), RGB or RGBA tuples ((0,1,0,1)) or grayscale intensities as a string ('0.8').


Automatically adjust the plots.

If set to True, the plots are automatically adjusted to fit to the figure limitations via the matplotlib.pyplot.tight_layout() function.

Possible types

bool – True for automatic adjustment


There is no update method to undo what happend after this formatoption is set to True!


Switch x- and y-axes

By default, one-dimensional arrays have the dimension on the x-axis and two dimensional arrays have the first dimension on the y and the second on the x-axis. You can set this formatoption to True to change this behaviour

Possible types

bool – If True, axes are switched


Set the x-axis limits

Possible types

  • None – To not change the current limits

  • str or list [str, str] or [[str, float], [str, float]] – Automatically determine the ticks corresponding to the data. The given string determines how the limits are calculated. The float determines the percentile to use A string can be one of the following:


    Sets the minimum and maximum of the limits to the rounded data minimum or maximum. Limits are rounded to the next 0.5 value with to the difference between data max- and minimum. The minimum will always be lower or equal than the data minimum, the maximum will always be higher or equal than the data maximum.


    Same as rounded above but the limits are chosen such that they are symmetric around zero


    Uses the minimum and maximum


    Same as minmax but symmetric around zero

  • tuple (xmin, xmax)xmin is the smaller value, xmax the larger. Any of those values can be None or one of the strings (or lists) above to use the corresponding value here

See also



Set the y-axis limits

Possible types

  • None – To not change the current limits

  • str or list [str, str] or [[str, float], [str, float]] – Automatically determine the ticks corresponding to the data. The given string determines how the limits are calculated. The float determines the percentile to use A string can be one of the following:


    Sets the minimum and maximum of the limits to the rounded data minimum or maximum. Limits are rounded to the next 0.5 value with to the difference between data max- and minimum. The minimum will always be lower or equal than the data minimum, the maximum will always be higher or equal than the data maximum.


    Same as rounded above but the limits are chosen such that they are symmetric around zero


    Uses the minimum and maximum


    Same as minmax but symmetric around zero

  • tuple (xmin, xmax)xmin is the smaller value, xmax the larger. Any of those values can be None or one of the strings (or lists) above to use the corresponding value here

See also



Choose how to make the bar plot

Possible types

  • None – Don’t make any plotting

  • ‘bar’ – Create a usual bar plot with the bars side-by-side

  • ‘stacked’ – Create stacked plot


Set the color coding

This formatoptions sets the color of the lines, bars, etc.

Possible types

  • None – to use the axes color_cycle

  • iterable – (e.g. list) to specify the colors manually

  • str – Strings may be any valid colormap name suitable for the function or one of the color lists defined in the ‘colors.cmaps’ key of the psyplot.rcParams dictionary (including their reversed color maps given via the ‘_r’ extension).

  • matplotlib.colors.ColorMap – to automatically choose the colors according to the number of lines, etc. from the given colormap


Specify the transparency (alpha)

Possible types

float – A value between 0 (opaque) and 1 invisible


The location of each bar

Possible types

  • None – If None, use a categorical plotting if the widths are 'equal', otherwise, not

  • bool – If True, use a categorical plotting

See also



Draw a legend

This formatoption determines where and if to draw the legend. It uses the labels formatoption to determine the labels.

Possible types

  • bool – Draw a legend or not

  • str or int – Specifies where to plot the legend (i.e. the location)

  • dict – Give the keywords for the matplotlib.pyplot.legend() function

See also



Set the labels of the arrays in the legend

This formatoption specifies the labels for each array in the legend. You can insert any meta key from the xarray.DataArray.attrs via a string like '%(key)s'. Furthermore there are some special cases:

  • Strings like '%Y', '%b', etc. will be replaced using the datetime.datetime.strftime() method as long as the data has a time coordinate and this can be converted to a datetime object.

  • '%(x)s', '%(y)s', '%(z)s', '%(t)s' will be replaced by the value of the x-, y-, z- or time coordinate (as long as this coordinate is one-dimensional in the data)

  • any attribute of one of the above coordinates is inserted via axis + key (e.g. the name of the x-coordinate can be inserted via '%(xname)s').

  • Labels defined in the psyplot.rcParams 'texts.labels' key are also replaced when enclosed by ‘{}’. The standard labels are

    • tinfo: %H:%M

    • dtinfo: %B %d, %Y. %H:%M

    • dinfo: %B %d, %Y

    • desc: %(long_name)s [%(units)s]

    • sdesc: %(name)s [%(units)s]

Possible types

  • str – A single string that shall be used for all arrays.

  • list of str – Same as a single string but specified for each array

See also



Make x- and y-axis symmetric

Possible types

  • None – No symmetric type

  • ‘min’ – Use the minimum of x- and y-limits

  • ‘max’ – Use the maximum of x- and y-limits

  • [str, str] – A combination, None, 'min' and 'max' specific for minimum and maximum limit


Change the ticksize of the ticklabels

Possible types

  • dict – A dictionary with the keys 'minor' and (or) 'major' to specify which ticks are managed. If the given value is not a dictionary with those keys, it is put into a dictionary with the key determined by the rcParams 'ticks.which' key (usually 'major'). The values in the dictionary can be one types below.

  • float – The absolute font size in points (e.g., 12)

  • string – Strings might be ‘xx-small’, ‘x-small’, ‘small’, ‘medium’, ‘large’, ‘x-large’, ‘xx-large’.


Change the fontweight of the ticks

Possible types

  • dict – A dictionary with the keys 'minor' and (or) 'major' to specify which ticks are managed. If the given value is not a dictionary with those keys, it is put into a dictionary with the key determined by the rcParams 'ticks.which' key (usually 'major'). The values in the dictionary can be one types below.

  • float – a float between 0 and 1000

  • string – Possible strings are one of ‘ultralight’, ‘light’, ‘normal’, ‘regular’, ‘book’, ‘medium’, ‘roman’, ‘semibold’, ‘demibold’, ‘demi’, ‘bold’, ‘heavy’, ‘extra bold’, ‘black’.


Specify the widths of the bars

Possible types

  • ‘equal’ – Each bar will have the same width (the default)

  • ‘data’ – Each bar will have the width as specified by the boundaries

  • float – The width for each bar

See also



Plot a figure title

Set the title of the figure. You can insert any meta key from the xarray.DataArray.attrs via a string like '%(key)s'. Furthermore there are some special cases:

  • Strings like '%Y', '%b', etc. will be replaced using the datetime.datetime.strftime() method as long as the data has a time coordinate and this can be converted to a datetime object.

  • '%(x)s', '%(y)s', '%(z)s', '%(t)s' will be replaced by the value of the x-, y-, z- or time coordinate (as long as this coordinate is one-dimensional in the data)

  • any attribute of one of the above coordinates is inserted via axis + key (e.g. the name of the x-coordinate can be inserted via '%(xname)s').

  • Labels defined in the psyplot.rcParams 'texts.labels' key are also replaced when enclosed by ‘{}’. The standard labels are

    • tinfo: %H:%M

    • dtinfo: %B %d, %Y. %H:%M

    • dinfo: %B %d, %Y

    • desc: %(long_name)s [%(units)s]

    • sdesc: %(name)s [%(units)s]

Possible types

str – The title for the suptitle() function


  • If the plotter is part of a psyplot.project.Project and multiple plotters of this project are on the same figure, the replacement attributes (see above) are joined by a delimiter. If the delimiter attribute of this Figtitle instance is not None, it will be used. Otherwise the rcParams[‘texts.delimiter’] item is used.

  • This is the title of the whole figure! For the title of this specific subplot, see the title formatoption.


Properties of the figure title

Specify the font properties of the figure title manually.

Possible types

dict – Items may be any valid text property


Set the size of the figure title

Possible types

  • float – The absolute font size in points (e.g., 12)

  • string – Strings might be ‘xx-small’, ‘x-small’, ‘small’, ‘medium’, ‘large’, ‘x-large’, ‘xx-large’.


Set the fontweight of the figure title

Possible types

  • float – a float between 0 and 1000

  • string – Possible strings are one of ‘ultralight’, ‘light’, ‘normal’, ‘regular’, ‘book’, ‘medium’, ‘roman’, ‘semibold’, ‘demibold’, ‘demi’, ‘bold’, ‘heavy’, ‘extra bold’, ‘black’.


Set the font properties of both, x- and y-label

Possible types

  • dict – A dictionary with the keys 'x' and (or) 'y' to specify which ticks are managed. If the given value is not a dictionary with those keys, it is used for the x- and y-axis. The values in the dictionary can be one types below.

  • dict – Items may be any valid text property


Set the size of both, x- and y-label

Possible types

  • dict – A dictionary with the keys 'x' and (or) 'y' to specify which ticks are managed. If the given value is not a dictionary with those keys, it is used for the x- and y-axis. The values in the dictionary can be one types below.

  • float – The absolute font size in points (e.g., 12)

  • string – Strings might be ‘xx-small’, ‘x-small’, ‘small’, ‘medium’, ‘large’, ‘x-large’, ‘xx-large’.


Set the font size of both, x- and y-label

Possible types

  • dict – A dictionary with the keys 'x' and (or) 'y' to specify which ticks are managed. If the given value is not a dictionary with those keys, it is used for the x- and y-axis. The values in the dictionary can be one types below.

  • float – a float between 0 and 1000

  • string – Possible strings are one of ‘ultralight’, ‘light’, ‘normal’, ‘regular’, ‘book’, ‘medium’, ‘roman’, ‘semibold’, ‘demibold’, ‘demi’, ‘bold’, ‘heavy’, ‘extra bold’, ‘black’.


Add text anywhere on the plot

This formatoption draws a text on the specified position on the figure. You can insert any meta key from the xarray.DataArray.attrs via a string like '%(key)s'. Furthermore there are some special cases:

  • Strings like '%Y', '%b', etc. will be replaced using the datetime.datetime.strftime() method as long as the data has a time coordinate and this can be converted to a datetime object.

  • '%(x)s', '%(y)s', '%(z)s', '%(t)s' will be replaced by the value of the x-, y-, z- or time coordinate (as long as this coordinate is one-dimensional in the data)

  • any attribute of one of the above coordinates is inserted via axis + key (e.g. the name of the x-coordinate can be inserted via '%(xname)s').

  • Labels defined in the psyplot.rcParams 'texts.labels' key are also replaced when enclosed by ‘{}’. The standard labels are

    • tinfo: %H:%M

    • dtinfo: %B %d, %Y. %H:%M

    • dinfo: %B %d, %Y

    • desc: %(long_name)s [%(units)s]

    • sdesc: %(name)s [%(units)s]

Possible types

  • str – If string s: this will be used as (1., 1., s, {‘ha’: ‘right’}) (i.e. a string in the upper right corner of the axes).

  • tuple or list of tuples (x,y,s[,coord.-system][,options]]) – Each tuple defines a text instance on the plot. 0<=x, y<=1 are the coordinates. The coord.-system can be either the data coordinates (default, 'data') or the axes coordinates ('axes') or the figure coordinates (‘fig’). The string s finally is the text. options may be a dictionary to specify format the appearence (e.g. 'color', 'fontweight', 'fontsize', etc., see matplotlib.text.Text for possible keys). To remove one single text from the plot, set (x,y,’’[, coord.-system]) for the text at position (x,y)

  • empty list – remove all texts from the plot

See also

title, figtitle


Properties of the title

Specify the font properties of the figure title manually.

Possible types

dict – Items may be any valid text property


Set the size of the title

Possible types

  • float – The absolute font size in points (e.g., 12)

  • string – Strings might be ‘xx-small’, ‘x-small’, ‘small’, ‘medium’, ‘large’, ‘x-large’, ‘xx-large’.


Set the fontweight of the title

Possible types

  • float – a float between 0 and 1000

  • string – Possible strings are one of ‘ultralight’, ‘light’, ‘normal’, ‘regular’, ‘book’, ‘medium’, ‘roman’, ‘semibold’, ‘demibold’, ‘demi’, ‘bold’, ‘heavy’, ‘extra bold’, ‘black’.


Set the x-axis label

Set the label for the x-axis. You can insert any meta key from the xarray.DataArray.attrs via a string like '%(key)s'. Furthermore there are some special cases:

  • Strings like '%Y', '%b', etc. will be replaced using the datetime.datetime.strftime() method as long as the data has a time coordinate and this can be converted to a datetime object.

  • '%(x)s', '%(y)s', '%(z)s', '%(t)s' will be replaced by the value of the x-, y-, z- or time coordinate (as long as this coordinate is one-dimensional in the data)

  • any attribute of one of the above coordinates is inserted via axis + key (e.g. the name of the x-coordinate can be inserted via '%(xname)s').

  • Labels defined in the psyplot.rcParams 'texts.labels' key are also replaced when enclosed by ‘{}’. The standard labels are

    • tinfo: %H:%M

    • dtinfo: %B %d, %Y. %H:%M

    • dinfo: %B %d, %Y

    • desc: %(long_name)s [%(units)s]

    • sdesc: %(name)s [%(units)s]

Possible types

str – The text for the xlabel() function.

See also

xlabelsize, xlabelweight, xlabelprops


Set the y-axis label

Set the label for the y-axis. You can insert any meta key from the xarray.DataArray.attrs via a string like '%(key)s'. Furthermore there are some special cases:

  • Strings like '%Y', '%b', etc. will be replaced using the datetime.datetime.strftime() method as long as the data has a time coordinate and this can be converted to a datetime object.

  • '%(x)s', '%(y)s', '%(z)s', '%(t)s' will be replaced by the value of the x-, y-, z- or time coordinate (as long as this coordinate is one-dimensional in the data)

  • any attribute of one of the above coordinates is inserted via axis + key (e.g. the name of the x-coordinate can be inserted via '%(xname)s').

  • Labels defined in the psyplot.rcParams 'texts.labels' key are also replaced when enclosed by ‘{}’. The standard labels are

    • tinfo: %H:%M

    • dtinfo: %B %d, %Y. %H:%M

    • dinfo: %B %d, %Y

    • desc: %(long_name)s [%(units)s]

    • sdesc: %(name)s [%(units)s]

Possible types

str – The text for the ylabel() function.

See also

ylabelsize, ylabelweight, ylabelprops


Rotate the x-axis ticks

Possible types

float – The rotation angle in degrees

See also



Modify the x-axis ticklabels

Possible types

  • dict – A dictionary with the keys 'minor' and (or) 'major' to specify which ticks are managed. If the given value is not a dictionary with those keys, it is put into a dictionary with the key determined by the rcParams 'ticks.which' key (usually 'major'). The values in the dictionary can be one types below.

  • str – A formatstring like '%Y' for plotting the year (in the case that time is shown on the axis) or ‘%i’ for integers

  • array – An array of strings to use for the ticklabels


Specify the x-axis tick parameters

This formatoption can be used to make a detailed change of the ticks parameters on the x-axis.

Possible types

  • dict – A dictionary with the keys 'minor' and (or) 'major' to specify which ticks are managed. If the given value is not a dictionary with those keys, it is put into a dictionary with the key determined by the rcParams 'ticks.which' key (usually 'major'). The values in the dictionary can be one types below.

  • dict – Items may be anything of the matplotlib.pyplot.tick_params() function


Modify the x-axis ticks

Possible types

  • dict – A dictionary with the keys 'minor' and (or) 'major' to specify which ticks are managed. If the given value is not a dictionary with those keys, it is put into a dictionary with the key determined by the rcParams 'ticks.which' key (usually 'major'). The values in the dictionary can be one types below.

  • None – use the default ticks

  • int – for an integer i, only every i-th tick of the default ticks are used

  • numeric array – specifies the ticks manually

  • str or list [str, …] – Automatically determine the ticks corresponding to the data. The given string determines how the ticks are calculated. If not a single string but a list, the second value determines the number of ticks (see below). A string can be one of the following:


    plot the ticks exactly where the data is.


    plot the ticks in the middle of the data.


    Sets the minimum and maximum of the ticks to the rounded data minimum or maximum. Ticks are rounded to the next 0.5 value with to the difference between data max- and minimum. The minimal tick will always be lower or equal than the data minimum, the maximal tick will always be higher or equal than the data maximum.


    Same as rounded above but the ticks are chose such that they are symmetric around zero


    Uses the minimum as minimal tick and maximum as maximal tick


    Same as minmax but symmetric around zero


    draw ticks every hour


    draw ticks every day


    draw ticks every week

    month, monthend, monthbegin

    draw ticks in the middle, at the end or at the beginning of each month

    year, yearend, yearbegin

    draw ticks in the middle, at the end or at the beginning of each year

    For data, mid, hour, day, week, month, etc., the optional second value can be an integer i determining that every i-th data point shall be used (by default, it is set to 1). For rounded, roundedsym, minmax and sym, the second value determines the total number of ticks (defaults to 11).


Plot 11 ticks over the whole data range:

>>> plotter.update(xticks='rounded')

Plot 7 ticks over the whole data range where the maximal and minimal tick matches the data maximum and minimum:

>>> plotter.update(xticks=['minmax', 7])

Plot ticks every year and minor ticks every month:

>>> plotter.update(xticks={'major': 'year', 'minor': 'month'})

Rotate the y-axis ticks

Possible types

float – The rotation angle in degrees

See also



Modify the y-axis ticklabels

Possible types

  • dict – A dictionary with the keys 'minor' and (or) 'major' to specify which ticks are managed. If the given value is not a dictionary with those keys, it is put into a dictionary with the key determined by the rcParams 'ticks.which' key (usually 'major'). The values in the dictionary can be one types below.

  • str – A formatstring like '%Y' for plotting the year (in the case that time is shown on the axis) or ‘%i’ for integers

  • array – An array of strings to use for the ticklabels


Specify the y-axis tick parameters

This formatoption can be used to make a detailed change of the ticks parameters of the y-axis.

Possible types

  • dict – A dictionary with the keys 'minor' and (or) 'major' to specify which ticks are managed. If the given value is not a dictionary with those keys, it is put into a dictionary with the key determined by the rcParams 'ticks.which' key (usually 'major'). The values in the dictionary can be one types below.

  • dict – Items may be anything of the matplotlib.pyplot.tick_params() function


Modify the y-axis ticks

Possible types

  • dict – A dictionary with the keys 'minor' and (or) 'major' to specify which ticks are managed. If the given value is not a dictionary with those keys, it is put into a dictionary with the key determined by the rcParams 'ticks.which' key (usually 'major'). The values in the dictionary can be one types below.

  • None – use the default ticks

  • int – for an integer i, only every i-th tick of the default ticks are used

  • numeric array – specifies the ticks manually

  • str or list [str, …] – Automatically determine the ticks corresponding to the data. The given string determines how the ticks are calculated. If not a single string but a list, the second value determines the number of ticks (see below). A string can be one of the following:


    plot the ticks exactly where the data is.


    plot the ticks in the middle of the data.


    Sets the minimum and maximum of the ticks to the rounded data minimum or maximum. Ticks are rounded to the next 0.5 value with to the difference between data max- and minimum. The minimal tick will always be lower or equal than the data minimum, the maximal tick will always be higher or equal than the data maximum.


    Same as rounded above but the ticks are chose such that they are symmetric around zero


    Uses the minimum as minimal tick and maximum as maximal tick


    Same as minmax but symmetric around zero


    draw ticks every hour


    draw ticks every day


    draw ticks every week

    month, monthend, monthbegin

    draw ticks in the middle, at the end or at the beginning of each month

    year, yearend, yearbegin

    draw ticks in the middle, at the end or at the beginning of each year

    For data, mid, hour, day, week, month, etc., the optional second value can be an integer i determining that every i-th data point shall be used (by default, it is set to 1). For rounded, roundedsym, minmax and sym, the second value determines the total number of ticks (defaults to 11).

See also

yticklabels, ticksize, tickweight, ytickprops


for possible examples


Mask data points between two numbers

Possible types

float – The floating number to mask above


Mask data points greater than or equal to a number

Possible types

float – The floating number to mask above


Mask data points greater than a number

Possible types

float – The floating number to mask above


Mask data points smaller than or equal to a number

Possible types

float – The floating number to mask below


Mask data points smaller than a number

Possible types

float – The floating number to mask below


Use an alternative variable as x-coordinate

This formatoption let’s you specify another variable in the base dataset of the data array in case you want to use this as the x-coordinate instead of the raw data

Possible types

  • None – Use the default

  • str – The name of the variable to use in the base dataset

  • xarray.DataArray – An alternative variable with the same shape as the displayed array


To see the difference, we create a simple test dataset:

>>> import xarray as xr

>>> import numpy as np

>>> import psyplot.project as psy

>>> ds = xr.Dataset({
...     'temp': xr.Variable(('time', ), np.arange(5)),
...     'std': xr.Variable(('time', ), np.arange(5, 10))})
>>> ds
Dimensions:  (time: 5)
  * time     (time) int64 0 1 2 3 4
Data variables:
    temp     (time) int64 0 1 2 3 4
    std      (time) int64 5 6 7 8 9

If we create a plot with it, we get the 'time' dimension on the x-axis:

>>> plotter = psy.plot.lineplot(ds, name=['temp']).plotters[0]

>>> plotter.plot_data[0].dims

If we however set the 'coord' keyword, we get:

>>> plotter = psy.plot.lineplot(
...     ds, name=['temp'], coord='std').plotters[0]

>>> plotter.plot_data[0].dims

and 'std' is plotted on the x-axis.


Apply your own postprocessing script

This formatoption let’s you apply your own post processing script. Just enter the script as a string and it will be executed. The formatoption will be made available via the self variable

Possible types

  • None – Don’t do anything

  • str – The post processing script as string


This formatoption uses the built-in exec() function to compile the script. Since this poses a security risk when loading psyplot projects, it is by default disabled through the Plotter.enable_post attribute. If you are sure that you can trust the script in this formatoption, set this attribute of the corresponding Plotter to True


Assume, you want to manually add the mean of the data to the title of the matplotlib axes. You can simply do this via

from psyplot.plotter import Plotter
from xarray import DataArray
plotter = Plotter(DataArray([1, 2, 3]))
# enable the post formatoption
plotter.enable_post = True

By default, the post formatoption is only ran, when it is explicitly updated. However, you can use the post_timing formatoption, to run it automatically. E.g. for running it after every update of the plotter, you can set


See also


Determine the timing of this formatoption


Determine when to run the post formatoption

This formatoption determines, whether the post formatoption should be run never, after replot or after every update.

Possible types

  • ‘never’ – Never run post processing scripts

  • ‘always’ – Always run post processing scripts

  • ‘replot’ – Only run post processing scripts when the data changes or a replot is necessary

See also


The post processing formatoption

class psy_strat.plotters.ExagFactor(key, plotter=None, index_in_list=None, additional_children=[], additional_dependencies=[], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: psyplot.plotter.Formatoption

The exaggerations factor

Possible types



str(object=’’) -> str


int([x]) -> integer



Method that is call to update the formatoption on the axes

float – The factor by how much the data should be exaggerated

See also

exag_color, exag

  • key (str) – formatoption key in the plotter

  • plotter (psyplot.plotter.Plotter) – Plotter instance that holds this formatoption. If None, it is assumed that this instance serves as a descriptor.

  • index_in_list (int or None) – The index that shall be used if the data is a psyplot.InteractiveList

  • additional_children (list or str) – Additional children to use (see the children attribute)

  • additional_dependencies (list or str) – Additional dependencies to use (see the dependencies attribute)

  • **kwargs – Further keywords may be used to specify different names for children, dependencies and connection formatoptions that match the setup of the plotter. Hence, keywords may be anything of the children, dependencies and connections attributes, with values being the name of the new formatoption in this plotter.

name = 'Exaggeration factor'
priority = 20

Method that is call to update the formatoption on the axes


value – Value to update

class psy_strat.plotters.ExagPlot(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: psy_simple.plotters.LinePlot

Choose the line style of the plot

Possible types



color Formatoption instance in the plotter


bool(x) -> bool


Built-in mutable sequence.


exag_factor Formatoption instance in the plotter


marker Formatoption instance in the plotter


transpose Formatoption instance in the plotter


plot_arr(arr, *args, **kwargs)

  • None – Don’t make any plotting

  • 'area' – To make an area plot (filled between y=0 and y), see matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between()

  • 'areax' – To make a transposed area plot (filled between x=0 and x), see matplotlib.pyplot.fill_betweenx()

  • 'stacked' – Make a stacked plot

  • str or list of str – The line style string to use ([‘solid’ | ‘dashed’, ‘dashdot’, ‘dotted’ | (offset, on-off-dash-seq) | ‘-‘ | ‘–’ | ‘-.’ | ‘:’ | ‘None’ | ‘ ‘ | ‘’]).

property color

color Formatoption instance in the plotter

data_dependent = True
dependencies = ['exag_factor']
property exag_factor

exag_factor Formatoption instance in the plotter

property marker

marker Formatoption instance in the plotter

plot_arr(arr, *args, **kwargs)[source]
property transpose

transpose Formatoption instance in the plotter

class psy_strat.plotters.LeftTitle(key, plotter=None, index_in_list=None, additional_children=[], additional_dependencies=[], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: psy_simple.base.Title

Show the title

Set the title of the plot. You can insert any meta key from the xarray.DataArray.attrs via a string like '%(key)s'. Furthermore there are some special cases:

  • Strings like '%Y', '%b', etc. will be replaced using the datetime.datetime.strftime() method as long as the data has a time coordinate and this can be converted to a datetime object.

  • '%(x)s', '%(y)s', '%(z)s', '%(t)s' will be replaced by the value of the x-, y-, z- or time coordinate (as long as this coordinate is one-dimensional in the data)

  • any attribute of one of the above coordinates is inserted via axis + key (e.g. the name of the x-coordinate can be inserted via '%(xname)s').

  • Labels defined in the psyplot.rcParams 'texts.labels' key are also replaced when enclosed by ‘{}’. The standard labels are

    • tinfo: %H:%M

    • dtinfo: %B %d, %Y. %H:%M

    • dinfo: %B %d, %Y

    • desc: %(long_name)s [%(units)s]

    • sdesc: %(name)s [%(units)s]



Built-in mutable sequence.


title_loc Formatoption instance in the plotter



Method that is called when the plot is made the first time


Method that is call to update the formatoption on the axes

Possible types

str – The title for the title() function.


This is the title of this specific subplot! For the title of the whole figure, see the figtitle formatoption.

See also


The location of the title

figtitle, titlesize, titleweight, titleprops

  • key (str) – formatoption key in the plotter

  • plotter (psyplot.plotter.Plotter) – Plotter instance that holds this formatoption. If None, it is assumed that this instance serves as a descriptor.

  • index_in_list (int or None) – The index that shall be used if the data is a psyplot.InteractiveList

  • additional_children (list or str) – Additional children to use (see the children attribute)

  • additional_dependencies (list or str) – Additional dependencies to use (see the dependencies attribute)

  • **kwargs – Further keywords may be used to specify different names for children, dependencies and connection formatoptions that match the setup of the plotter. Hence, keywords may be anything of the children, dependencies and connections attributes, with values being the name of the new formatoption in this plotter.

dependencies = ['title_loc']

Method that is called when the plot is made the first time


value – The value to use for the initialization

property title_loc

title_loc Formatoption instance in the plotter


Method that is call to update the formatoption on the axes


value – Value to update

class psy_strat.plotters.MeasurementLines(key, plotter=None, index_in_list=None, additional_children=[], additional_dependencies=[], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: psyplot.plotter.Formatoption

Draw lines at the measurement locations

Possible types



Built-in mutable sequence.


plot Formatoption instance in the plotter


transpose Formatoption instance in the plotter


xlim Formatoption instance in the plotter



Method to remove the effects of this formatoption


Method that is call to update the formatoption on the axes

  • None – Don’t draw any lines

  • color – The color of the lines

  • key (str) – formatoption key in the plotter

  • plotter (psyplot.plotter.Plotter) – Plotter instance that holds this formatoption. If None, it is assumed that this instance serves as a descriptor.

  • index_in_list (int or None) – The index that shall be used if the data is a psyplot.InteractiveList

  • additional_children (list or str) – Additional children to use (see the children attribute)

  • additional_dependencies (list or str) – Additional dependencies to use (see the dependencies attribute)

  • **kwargs – Further keywords may be used to specify different names for children, dependencies and connection formatoptions that match the setup of the plotter. Hence, keywords may be anything of the children, dependencies and connections attributes, with values being the name of the new formatoption in this plotter.

artists = None
default = None
dependencies = ['transpose', 'xlim', 'plot']
property plot

plot Formatoption instance in the plotter


Method to remove the effects of this formatoption

This method is called when the axes is cleared due to a formatoption with requires_clearing set to True. You don’t necessarily have to implement this formatoption if your plot results are removed by the usual matplotlib.axes.Axes.clear() method.

property transpose

transpose Formatoption instance in the plotter


Method that is call to update the formatoption on the axes


value – Value to update

property xlim

xlim Formatoption instance in the plotter

class psy_strat.plotters.OccurenceMarker(key, plotter=None, index_in_list=None, additional_children=[], additional_dependencies=[], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: psyplot.plotter.Formatoption

Specify the marker for occurences

This formatoption can be used to define the marker style for occurences.

Possible types



str(object=’’) -> str



Method that is call to update the formatoption on the axes

  • None – Use the mean of the axes limits

  • float – Specify the x-value for an occurence

  • list of floats – Specify the x-value for an occurence for each array explicitly

See also

occurences, occurence_value

  • key (str) – formatoption key in the plotter

  • plotter (psyplot.plotter.Plotter) – Plotter instance that holds this formatoption. If None, it is assumed that this instance serves as a descriptor.

  • index_in_list (int or None) – The index that shall be used if the data is a psyplot.InteractiveList

  • additional_children (list or str) – Additional children to use (see the children attribute)

  • additional_dependencies (list or str) – Additional dependencies to use (see the dependencies attribute)

  • **kwargs – Further keywords may be used to specify different names for children, dependencies and connection formatoptions that match the setup of the plotter. Hence, keywords may be anything of the children, dependencies and connections attributes, with values being the name of the new formatoption in this plotter.

name = 'Marker for the occurences'

Method that is call to update the formatoption on the axes


value – Value to update

class psy_strat.plotters.OccurencePlot(key, plotter=None, index_in_list=None, additional_children=[], additional_dependencies=[], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: psyplot.plotter.Formatoption

Specify the value to use for occurences in the plot

This formatoption can be used to define where the occurence marker should be placed.

Possible types



color Formatoption instance in the plotter


Built-in mutable sequence.


str(object=’’) -> str


occurence_marker Formatoption instance in the plotter


occurences Formatoption instance in the plotter


transpose Formatoption instance in the plotter


xlim Formatoption instance in the plotter



Method to remove the effects of this formatoption


Method that is call to update the formatoption on the axes

  • None – Use the mean of the axes limits

  • float – Specify the x-value for an occurence

  • list of floats – Specify the x-value for an occurence for each array explicitly

  • key (str) – formatoption key in the plotter

  • plotter (psyplot.plotter.Plotter) – Plotter instance that holds this formatoption. If None, it is assumed that this instance serves as a descriptor.

  • index_in_list (int or None) – The index that shall be used if the data is a psyplot.InteractiveList

  • additional_children (list or str) – Additional children to use (see the children attribute)

  • additional_dependencies (list or str) – Additional dependencies to use (see the dependencies attribute)

  • **kwargs – Further keywords may be used to specify different names for children, dependencies and connection formatoptions that match the setup of the plotter. Hence, keywords may be anything of the children, dependencies and connections attributes, with values being the name of the new formatoption in this plotter.

property color

color Formatoption instance in the plotter

dependencies = ['occurences', 'xlim', 'occurence_marker', 'color', 'transpose']
name = 'Occurence plot value'
property occurence_marker

occurence_marker Formatoption instance in the plotter

property occurences

occurences Formatoption instance in the plotter


Method to remove the effects of this formatoption

This method is called when the axes is cleared due to a formatoption with requires_clearing set to True. You don’t necessarily have to implement this formatoption if your plot results are removed by the usual matplotlib.axes.Axes.clear() method.

property transpose

transpose Formatoption instance in the plotter


Method that is call to update the formatoption on the axes


value – Value to update

property xlim

xlim Formatoption instance in the plotter

class psy_strat.plotters.Occurences(key, plotter=None, index_in_list=None, additional_children=[], additional_dependencies=[], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: psyplot.plotter.Formatoption

Specify the range for occurences

This formatoption can be used to specify a minimum and a maximum value. The parts of the data that fall into this range will be considered as an occurence, set to 0 and marked by the occurence_value formatoption

Possible types



Built-in mutable sequence.


maskgeq Formatoption instance in the plotter


maskgreater Formatoption instance in the plotter


maskleq Formatoption instance in the plotter


maskless Formatoption instance in the plotter


str(object=’’) -> str


int([x]) -> integer



Method that is call to update the formatoption on the axes

  • None – Do not mark anything as an occurence

  • float – Anything below the given number will be considered as an occurence

  • tuple of floats (vmin, vmax) – The minimum and maximum value. Anything between vmin and vmax will be marked as a occurence

See also

occurence_marker, occurence_value

  • key (str) – formatoption key in the plotter

  • plotter (psyplot.plotter.Plotter) – Plotter instance that holds this formatoption. If None, it is assumed that this instance serves as a descriptor.

  • index_in_list (int or None) – The index that shall be used if the data is a psyplot.InteractiveList

  • additional_children (list or str) – Additional children to use (see the children attribute)

  • additional_dependencies (list or str) – Additional dependencies to use (see the dependencies attribute)

  • **kwargs – Further keywords may be used to specify different names for children, dependencies and connection formatoptions that match the setup of the plotter. Hence, keywords may be anything of the children, dependencies and connections attributes, with values being the name of the new formatoption in this plotter.

children = ['maskless', 'maskleq', 'maskgreater', 'maskgeq']
property maskgeq

maskgeq Formatoption instance in the plotter

property maskgreater

maskgreater Formatoption instance in the plotter

property maskleq

maskleq Formatoption instance in the plotter

property maskless

maskless Formatoption instance in the plotter

name = 'Occurences range'
priority = 30

Method that is call to update the formatoption on the axes


value – Value to update

class psy_strat.plotters.StratPlotter(data=None, ax=None, auto_update=None, project=None, draw=False, make_plot=True, clear=False, enable_post=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: psy_simple.plotters.LinePlotter

A plotter for stratigraphic diagrams

  • data (InteractiveArray or ArrayList, optional) – Data object that shall be visualized. If given and plot is True, the initialize_plot() method is called at the end. Otherwise you can call this method later by yourself

  • ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes) – Matplotlib Axes to plot on. If None, a new one will be created as soon as the initialize_plot() method is called

  • auto_update (bool) – Default: None. A boolean indicating whether this list shall automatically update the contained arrays when calling the update() method or not. See also the no_auto_update attribute. If None, the value from the 'lists.auto_update' key in the psyplot.rcParams dictionary is used.

  • draw (bool or None) – Boolean to control whether the figure of this array shall be drawn at the end. If None, it defaults to the ‘auto_draw’` parameter in the psyplot.rcParams dictionary

  • make_plot (bool) – If True, and data is not None, the plot is initialized. Otherwise only the framework between plotter and data is set up

  • clear (bool) – If True, the axes is cleared first

  • enable_post (bool) – If True, the post formatoption is enabled and post processing scripts are allowed

  • **kwargs – Any formatoption key from the formatoptions attribute that shall be used

Axes formatoptions


Set the linestyle the x- and y-axes


Color the x- and y-axes


Display the grid


Automatically adjust the plots.


Switch x- and y-axes


Set the x-axis limits


Set the y-axis limits

Plot formatoptions


Choose the line style of the plot


Visualize the error range


Choose the line style of the plot

Color coding formatoptions


Set the color coding


Set the color coding


Set the alpha value for the error range

Miscallaneous formatoptions


The exaggerations factor


Draw lines at the measurement locations


Specify the marker for occurences


Specify the value to use for occurences in the plot


Specify the range for occurences


Draw a legend


Set the labels of the arrays in the legend


Choose the width of the lines


Choose the marker for points


Choose the size of the markers for points


Make x- and y-axis symmetric


Change the ticksize of the ticklabels


Change the fontweight of the ticks

Label formatoptions


Group several axes through a bar


Properties of the grouper


Set the size of the grouper


Set the fontweight of the grouper


Show the title


Specify the position of the axes title


Wrap the title automatically


Plot a figure title


Properties of the figure title


Set the size of the figure title


Set the fontweight of the figure title


Set the font properties of both, x- and y-label


Set the size of both, x- and y-label


Set the font size of both, x- and y-label


Add text anywhere on the plot


Properties of the title


Set the size of the title


Set the fontweight of the title


Set the x-axis label


Set the y-axis label

Axis tick formatoptions


Rotate the x-axis ticks


Modify the x-axis ticklabels


Specify the x-axis tick parameters


Modify the x-axis ticks


Rotate the y-axis ticks


Modify the y-axis ticklabels


Specify the y-axis tick parameters


Modify the y-axis ticks

Masking formatoptions


Mask data points between two numbers


Mask data points greater than or equal to a number


Mask data points greater than a number


Mask data points smaller than or equal to a number


Mask data points smaller than a number

Data manipulation formatoptions


Use an alternative variable as x-coordinate

Post processing formatoptions


Apply your own postprocessing script


Determine when to run the post formatoption


Set the linestyle the x- and y-axes

This formatoption sets the linestyle of the left, right, bottom and top axis.

Possible types

dict – Keys may be one of {‘right’, ‘left’, ‘bottom’, ‘top’}, the values can be any valid linestyle or None to use the default style. The line style string can be one of ([‘solid’ | ‘dashed’, ‘dashdot’, ‘dotted’ | (offset, on-off-dash-seq) | ‘-‘ | ‘–’ | ‘-.’ | ‘:’ | ‘None’ | ‘ ‘ | ‘’]).


Choose the line style of the plot

Possible types

  • None – Don’t make any plotting

  • 'area' – To make an area plot (filled between y=0 and y), see matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between()

  • 'areax' – To make a transposed area plot (filled between x=0 and x), see matplotlib.pyplot.fill_betweenx()

  • 'stacked' – Make a stacked plot

  • str or list of str – The line style string to use ([‘solid’ | ‘dashed’, ‘dashdot’, ‘dotted’ | (offset, on-off-dash-seq) | ‘-‘ | ‘–’ | ‘-.’ | ‘:’ | ‘None’ | ‘ ‘ | ‘’]).


Set the color coding

This formatoptions sets the color of the lines, bars, etc.

Possible types

  • None – to use the axes color_cycle

  • iterable – (e.g. list) to specify the colors manually

  • str – Strings may be any valid colormap name suitable for the function or one of the color lists defined in the ‘colors.cmaps’ key of the psyplot.rcParams dictionary (including their reversed color maps given via the ‘_r’ extension).

  • matplotlib.colors.ColorMap – to automatically choose the colors according to the number of lines, etc. from the given colormap


The exaggerations factor

Possible types

float – The factor by how much the data should be exaggerated

See also

exag_color, exag


Group several axes through a bar

This formatoption groups several plots on the same row by drawing a bar over them

Possible types

  • None – To not do anything

  • tuple (float y, str s) – A tuple of length 2, where the first parameter 0<=y<=1 determines the distance of the bar to the top y-axis and the second is the title of the group. y must be given relative to the axes height.


Properties of the grouper

Specify the font properties of the figure title manually.

Possible types

dict – Items may be any valid text property


Set the size of the grouper

Possible types

  • float – The absolute font size in points (e.g., 12)

  • string – Strings might be ‘xx-small’, ‘x-small’, ‘small’, ‘medium’, ‘large’, ‘x-large’, ‘xx-large’.


Set the fontweight of the grouper

Possible types

  • float – a float between 0 and 1000

  • string – Possible strings are one of ‘ultralight’, ‘light’, ‘normal’, ‘regular’, ‘book’, ‘medium’, ‘roman’, ‘semibold’, ‘demibold’, ‘demi’, ‘bold’, ‘heavy’, ‘extra bold’, ‘black’.


Draw lines at the measurement locations

Possible types

  • None – Don’t draw any lines

  • color – The color of the lines


Specify the marker for occurences

This formatoption can be used to define the marker style for occurences.

Possible types

  • None – Use the mean of the axes limits

  • float – Specify the x-value for an occurence

  • list of floats – Specify the x-value for an occurence for each array explicitly


Specify the value to use for occurences in the plot

This formatoption can be used to define where the occurence marker should be placed.

Possible types

  • None – Use the mean of the axes limits

  • float – Specify the x-value for an occurence

  • list of floats – Specify the x-value for an occurence for each array explicitly


Specify the range for occurences

This formatoption can be used to specify a minimum and a maximum value. The parts of the data that fall into this range will be considered as an occurence, set to 0 and marked by the occurence_value formatoption

Possible types

  • None – Do not mark anything as an occurence

  • float – Anything below the given number will be considered as an occurence

  • tuple of floats (vmin, vmax) – The minimum and maximum value. Anything between vmin and vmax will be marked as a occurence


Show the title

Set the title of the plot. You can insert any meta key from the xarray.DataArray.attrs via a string like '%(key)s'. Furthermore there are some special cases:

  • Strings like '%Y', '%b', etc. will be replaced using the datetime.datetime.strftime() method as long as the data has a time coordinate and this can be converted to a datetime object.

  • '%(x)s', '%(y)s', '%(z)s', '%(t)s' will be replaced by the value of the x-, y-, z- or time coordinate (as long as this coordinate is one-dimensional in the data)

  • any attribute of one of the above coordinates is inserted via axis + key (e.g. the name of the x-coordinate can be inserted via '%(xname)s').

  • Labels defined in the psyplot.rcParams 'texts.labels' key are also replaced when enclosed by ‘{}’. The standard labels are

    • tinfo: %H:%M

    • dtinfo: %B %d, %Y. %H:%M

    • dinfo: %B %d, %Y

    • desc: %(long_name)s [%(units)s]

    • sdesc: %(name)s [%(units)s]

Possible types

str – The title for the title() function.


This is the title of this specific subplot! For the title of the whole figure, see the figtitle formatoption.

See also


The location of the title

figtitle, titlesize, titleweight, titleprops


Specify the position of the axes title



The position the axes title


In the center of the axes (the standard way)


At the left corner


At the right corner


Wrap the title automatically

This formatoption wraps the title using textwrap.wrap().

Possible types

int – If 0, the title will not be rapped, otherwise it will be wrapped after the given number of characters


This wraps the title after a certain amount of characters. For wrapping the text automatically before it leaves the plot area, use titleprops=dict(wrap=True)


Color the x- and y-axes

This formatoption colors the left, right, bottom and top axis bar.

Possible types

dict – Keys may be one of {‘right’, ‘left’, ‘bottom’, ‘top’}, the values can be any valid color or None.


The following color abbreviations are supported:



















In addition, you can specify colors in many weird and wonderful ways, including full names ('green'), hex strings ('#008000'), RGB or RGBA tuples ((0,1,0,1)) or grayscale intensities as a string ('0.8').


Display the grid

Show the grid on the plot with the specified color.

Possible types

  • None – If the grid is currently shown, it will not be displayed any longer. If the grid is not shown, it will be drawn

  • bool – If True, the grid is displayed with the automatic settings (usually black)

  • string, tuple. – Defines the color of the grid.


The following color abbreviations are supported:



















In addition, you can specify colors in many weird and wonderful ways, including full names ('green'), hex strings ('#008000'), RGB or RGBA tuples ((0,1,0,1)) or grayscale intensities as a string ('0.8').


Automatically adjust the plots.

If set to True, the plots are automatically adjusted to fit to the figure limitations via the matplotlib.pyplot.tight_layout() function.

Possible types

bool – True for automatic adjustment


There is no update method to undo what happend after this formatoption is set to True!


Switch x- and y-axes

By default, one-dimensional arrays have the dimension on the x-axis and two dimensional arrays have the first dimension on the y and the second on the x-axis. You can set this formatoption to True to change this behaviour

Possible types

bool – If True, axes are switched


Set the x-axis limits

Possible types

  • None – To not change the current limits

  • str or list [str, str] or [[str, float], [str, float]] – Automatically determine the ticks corresponding to the data. The given string determines how the limits are calculated. The float determines the percentile to use A string can be one of the following:


    Sets the minimum and maximum of the limits to the rounded data minimum or maximum. Limits are rounded to the next 0.5 value with to the difference between data max- and minimum. The minimum will always be lower or equal than the data minimum, the maximum will always be higher or equal than the data maximum.


    Same as rounded above but the limits are chosen such that they are symmetric around zero


    Uses the minimum and maximum


    Same as minmax but symmetric around zero

  • tuple (xmin, xmax)xmin is the smaller value, xmax the larger. Any of those values can be None or one of the strings (or lists) above to use the corresponding value here

See also



Set the y-axis limits

Possible types

  • None – To not change the current limits

  • str or list [str, str] or [[str, float], [str, float]] – Automatically determine the ticks corresponding to the data. The given string determines how the limits are calculated. The float determines the percentile to use A string can be one of the following:


    Sets the minimum and maximum of the limits to the rounded data minimum or maximum. Limits are rounded to the next 0.5 value with to the difference between data max- and minimum. The minimum will always be lower or equal than the data minimum, the maximum will always be higher or equal than the data maximum.


    Same as rounded above but the limits are chosen such that they are symmetric around zero


    Uses the minimum and maximum


    Same as minmax but symmetric around zero

  • tuple (xmin, xmax)xmin is the smaller value, xmax the larger. Any of those values can be None or one of the strings (or lists) above to use the corresponding value here

See also



Visualize the error range

This formatoption visualizes the error range. For this, you must provide a two-dimensional data array as input. The first dimension might be either of length

  • 2 to provide the deviation from minimum and maximum error range from the data

  • 3 to provide the minimum and maximum error range explicitly

Possible types

  • None – No errors are visualized

  • ‘fill’ – The area between min- and max-error is filled with the same color as the line and the alpha is determined by the fillalpha attribute


Assume you have the standard deviation stored in the 'std'-variable and the data in the 'data' variable. Then you can visualize the standard deviation simply via:

>>> psy.plot.lineplot(input_ds, name=[['data', 'std']])

On the other hand, assume you want to visualize the area between the 25th and 75th percentile (stored in the variables 'p25' and 'p75'):

>>> psy.plot.lineplot(input_ds, name=[['data', 'p25', 'p75']])

See also



Choose the line style of the plot

Possible types

  • None – Don’t make any plotting

  • 'area' – To make an area plot (filled between y=0 and y), see matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between()

  • 'areax' – To make a transposed area plot (filled between x=0 and x), see matplotlib.pyplot.fill_betweenx()

  • 'stacked' – Make a stacked plot

  • str or list of str – The line style string to use ([‘solid’ | ‘dashed’, ‘dashdot’, ‘dotted’ | (offset, on-off-dash-seq) | ‘-‘ | ‘–’ | ‘-.’ | ‘:’ | ‘None’ | ‘ ‘ | ‘’]).


Set the color coding

This formatoptions sets the color of the lines, bars, etc.

Possible types

  • None – to use the axes color_cycle

  • iterable – (e.g. list) to specify the colors manually

  • str – Strings may be any valid colormap name suitable for the function or one of the color lists defined in the ‘colors.cmaps’ key of the psyplot.rcParams dictionary (including their reversed color maps given via the ‘_r’ extension).

  • matplotlib.colors.ColorMap – to automatically choose the colors according to the number of lines, etc. from the given colormap


Set the alpha value for the error range

This formatoption can be used to set the alpha value (opacity) for the error formatoption

Possible types

float – A float between 0 and 1

See also



Draw a legend

This formatoption determines where and if to draw the legend. It uses the labels formatoption to determine the labels.

Possible types

  • bool – Draw a legend or not

  • str or int – Specifies where to plot the legend (i.e. the location)

  • dict – Give the keywords for the matplotlib.pyplot.legend() function

See also



Set the labels of the arrays in the legend

This formatoption specifies the labels for each array in the legend. You can insert any meta key from the xarray.DataArray.attrs via a string like '%(key)s'. Furthermore there are some special cases:

  • Strings like '%Y', '%b', etc. will be replaced using the datetime.datetime.strftime() method as long as the data has a time coordinate and this can be converted to a datetime object.

  • '%(x)s', '%(y)s', '%(z)s', '%(t)s' will be replaced by the value of the x-, y-, z- or time coordinate (as long as this coordinate is one-dimensional in the data)

  • any attribute of one of the above coordinates is inserted via axis + key (e.g. the name of the x-coordinate can be inserted via '%(xname)s').

  • Labels defined in the psyplot.rcParams 'texts.labels' key are also replaced when enclosed by ‘{}’. The standard labels are

    • tinfo: %H:%M

    • dtinfo: %B %d, %Y. %H:%M

    • dinfo: %B %d, %Y

    • desc: %(long_name)s [%(units)s]

    • sdesc: %(name)s [%(units)s]

Possible types

  • str – A single string that shall be used for all arrays.

  • list of str – Same as a single string but specified for each array

See also



Choose the width of the lines

Possible types

  • None – Use the default from matplotlibs rcParams

  • float – The width of the lines


Choose the marker for points

Possible types

  • None – Use the default from matplotlibs rcParams

  • str – A valid symbol for the matplotlib markers (see matplotlib.markers)


Choose the size of the markers for points

Possible types

  • None – Use the default from matplotlibs rcParams

  • float – The size of the marker


Make x- and y-axis symmetric

Possible types

  • None – No symmetric type

  • ‘min’ – Use the minimum of x- and y-limits

  • ‘max’ – Use the maximum of x- and y-limits

  • [str, str] – A combination, None, 'min' and 'max' specific for minimum and maximum limit


Change the ticksize of the ticklabels

Possible types

  • dict – A dictionary with the keys 'minor' and (or) 'major' to specify which ticks are managed. If the given value is not a dictionary with those keys, it is put into a dictionary with the key determined by the rcParams 'ticks.which' key (usually 'major'). The values in the dictionary can be one types below.

  • float – The absolute font size in points (e.g., 12)

  • string – Strings might be ‘xx-small’, ‘x-small’, ‘small’, ‘medium’, ‘large’, ‘x-large’, ‘xx-large’.


Change the fontweight of the ticks

Possible types

  • dict – A dictionary with the keys 'minor' and (or) 'major' to specify which ticks are managed. If the given value is not a dictionary with those keys, it is put into a dictionary with the key determined by the rcParams 'ticks.which' key (usually 'major'). The values in the dictionary can be one types below.

  • float – a float between 0 and 1000

  • string – Possible strings are one of ‘ultralight’, ‘light’, ‘normal’, ‘regular’, ‘book’, ‘medium’, ‘roman’, ‘semibold’, ‘demibold’, ‘demi’, ‘bold’, ‘heavy’, ‘extra bold’, ‘black’.


Plot a figure title

Set the title of the figure. You can insert any meta key from the xarray.DataArray.attrs via a string like '%(key)s'. Furthermore there are some special cases:

  • Strings like '%Y', '%b', etc. will be replaced using the datetime.datetime.strftime() method as long as the data has a time coordinate and this can be converted to a datetime object.

  • '%(x)s', '%(y)s', '%(z)s', '%(t)s' will be replaced by the value of the x-, y-, z- or time coordinate (as long as this coordinate is one-dimensional in the data)

  • any attribute of one of the above coordinates is inserted via axis + key (e.g. the name of the x-coordinate can be inserted via '%(xname)s').

  • Labels defined in the psyplot.rcParams 'texts.labels' key are also replaced when enclosed by ‘{}’. The standard labels are

    • tinfo: %H:%M

    • dtinfo: %B %d, %Y. %H:%M

    • dinfo: %B %d, %Y

    • desc: %(long_name)s [%(units)s]

    • sdesc: %(name)s [%(units)s]

Possible types

str – The title for the suptitle() function


  • If the plotter is part of a psyplot.project.Project and multiple plotters of this project are on the same figure, the replacement attributes (see above) are joined by a delimiter. If the delimiter attribute of this Figtitle instance is not None, it will be used. Otherwise the rcParams[‘texts.delimiter’] item is used.

  • This is the title of the whole figure! For the title of this specific subplot, see the title formatoption.


Properties of the figure title

Specify the font properties of the figure title manually.

Possible types

dict – Items may be any valid text property


Set the size of the figure title

Possible types

  • float – The absolute font size in points (e.g., 12)

  • string – Strings might be ‘xx-small’, ‘x-small’, ‘small’, ‘medium’, ‘large’, ‘x-large’, ‘xx-large’.


Set the fontweight of the figure title

Possible types

  • float – a float between 0 and 1000

  • string – Possible strings are one of ‘ultralight’, ‘light’, ‘normal’, ‘regular’, ‘book’, ‘medium’, ‘roman’, ‘semibold’, ‘demibold’, ‘demi’, ‘bold’, ‘heavy’, ‘extra bold’, ‘black’.


Set the font properties of both, x- and y-label

Possible types

  • dict – A dictionary with the keys 'x' and (or) 'y' to specify which ticks are managed. If the given value is not a dictionary with those keys, it is used for the x- and y-axis. The values in the dictionary can be one types below.

  • dict – Items may be any valid text property


Set the size of both, x- and y-label

Possible types

  • dict – A dictionary with the keys 'x' and (or) 'y' to specify which ticks are managed. If the given value is not a dictionary with those keys, it is used for the x- and y-axis. The values in the dictionary can be one types below.

  • float – The absolute font size in points (e.g., 12)

  • string – Strings might be ‘xx-small’, ‘x-small’, ‘small’, ‘medium’, ‘large’, ‘x-large’, ‘xx-large’.


Set the font size of both, x- and y-label

Possible types

  • dict – A dictionary with the keys 'x' and (or) 'y' to specify which ticks are managed. If the given value is not a dictionary with those keys, it is used for the x- and y-axis. The values in the dictionary can be one types below.

  • float – a float between 0 and 1000

  • string – Possible strings are one of ‘ultralight’, ‘light’, ‘normal’, ‘regular’, ‘book’, ‘medium’, ‘roman’, ‘semibold’, ‘demibold’, ‘demi’, ‘bold’, ‘heavy’, ‘extra bold’, ‘black’.


Add text anywhere on the plot

This formatoption draws a text on the specified position on the figure. You can insert any meta key from the xarray.DataArray.attrs via a string like '%(key)s'. Furthermore there are some special cases:

  • Strings like '%Y', '%b', etc. will be replaced using the datetime.datetime.strftime() method as long as the data has a time coordinate and this can be converted to a datetime object.

  • '%(x)s', '%(y)s', '%(z)s', '%(t)s' will be replaced by the value of the x-, y-, z- or time coordinate (as long as this coordinate is one-dimensional in the data)

  • any attribute of one of the above coordinates is inserted via axis + key (e.g. the name of the x-coordinate can be inserted via '%(xname)s').

  • Labels defined in the psyplot.rcParams 'texts.labels' key are also replaced when enclosed by ‘{}’. The standard labels are

    • tinfo: %H:%M

    • dtinfo: %B %d, %Y. %H:%M

    • dinfo: %B %d, %Y

    • desc: %(long_name)s [%(units)s]

    • sdesc: %(name)s [%(units)s]

Possible types

  • str – If string s: this will be used as (1., 1., s, {‘ha’: ‘right’}) (i.e. a string in the upper right corner of the axes).

  • tuple or list of tuples (x,y,s[,coord.-system][,options]]) – Each tuple defines a text instance on the plot. 0<=x, y<=1 are the coordinates. The coord.-system can be either the data coordinates (default, 'data') or the axes coordinates ('axes') or the figure coordinates (‘fig’). The string s finally is the text. options may be a dictionary to specify format the appearence (e.g. 'color', 'fontweight', 'fontsize', etc., see matplotlib.text.Text for possible keys). To remove one single text from the plot, set (x,y,’’[, coord.-system]) for the text at position (x,y)

  • empty list – remove all texts from the plot

See also

title, figtitle


Properties of the title

Specify the font properties of the figure title manually.

Possible types

dict – Items may be any valid text property


Set the size of the title

Possible types

  • float – The absolute font size in points (e.g., 12)

  • string – Strings might be ‘xx-small’, ‘x-small’, ‘small’, ‘medium’, ‘large’, ‘x-large’, ‘xx-large’.


Set the fontweight of the title

Possible types

  • float – a float between 0 and 1000

  • string – Possible strings are one of ‘ultralight’, ‘light’, ‘normal’, ‘regular’, ‘book’, ‘medium’, ‘roman’, ‘semibold’, ‘demibold’, ‘demi’, ‘bold’, ‘heavy’, ‘extra bold’, ‘black’.


Set the x-axis label

Set the label for the x-axis. You can insert any meta key from the xarray.DataArray.attrs via a string like '%(key)s'. Furthermore there are some special cases:

  • Strings like '%Y', '%b', etc. will be replaced using the datetime.datetime.strftime() method as long as the data has a time coordinate and this can be converted to a datetime object.

  • '%(x)s', '%(y)s', '%(z)s', '%(t)s' will be replaced by the value of the x-, y-, z- or time coordinate (as long as this coordinate is one-dimensional in the data)

  • any attribute of one of the above coordinates is inserted via axis + key (e.g. the name of the x-coordinate can be inserted via '%(xname)s').

  • Labels defined in the psyplot.rcParams 'texts.labels' key are also replaced when enclosed by ‘{}’. The standard labels are

    • tinfo: %H:%M

    • dtinfo: %B %d, %Y. %H:%M

    • dinfo: %B %d, %Y

    • desc: %(long_name)s [%(units)s]

    • sdesc: %(name)s [%(units)s]

Possible types

str – The text for the xlabel() function.

See also

xlabelsize, xlabelweight, xlabelprops


Set the y-axis label

Set the label for the y-axis. You can insert any meta key from the xarray.DataArray.attrs via a string like '%(key)s'. Furthermore there are some special cases:

  • Strings like '%Y', '%b', etc. will be replaced using the datetime.datetime.strftime() method as long as the data has a time coordinate and this can be converted to a datetime object.

  • '%(x)s', '%(y)s', '%(z)s', '%(t)s' will be replaced by the value of the x-, y-, z- or time coordinate (as long as this coordinate is one-dimensional in the data)

  • any attribute of one of the above coordinates is inserted via axis + key (e.g. the name of the x-coordinate can be inserted via '%(xname)s').

  • Labels defined in the psyplot.rcParams 'texts.labels' key are also replaced when enclosed by ‘{}’. The standard labels are

    • tinfo: %H:%M

    • dtinfo: %B %d, %Y. %H:%M

    • dinfo: %B %d, %Y

    • desc: %(long_name)s [%(units)s]

    • sdesc: %(name)s [%(units)s]

Possible types

str – The text for the ylabel() function.

See also

ylabelsize, ylabelweight, ylabelprops


Rotate the x-axis ticks

Possible types

float – The rotation angle in degrees

See also



Modify the x-axis ticklabels

Possible types

  • dict – A dictionary with the keys 'minor' and (or) 'major' to specify which ticks are managed. If the given value is not a dictionary with those keys, it is put into a dictionary with the key determined by the rcParams 'ticks.which' key (usually 'major'). The values in the dictionary can be one types below.

  • str – A formatstring like '%Y' for plotting the year (in the case that time is shown on the axis) or ‘%i’ for integers

  • array – An array of strings to use for the ticklabels


Specify the x-axis tick parameters

This formatoption can be used to make a detailed change of the ticks parameters on the x-axis.

Possible types

  • dict – A dictionary with the keys 'minor' and (or) 'major' to specify which ticks are managed. If the given value is not a dictionary with those keys, it is put into a dictionary with the key determined by the rcParams 'ticks.which' key (usually 'major'). The values in the dictionary can be one types below.

  • dict – Items may be anything of the matplotlib.pyplot.tick_params() function


Modify the x-axis ticks

Possible types

  • dict – A dictionary with the keys 'minor' and (or) 'major' to specify which ticks are managed. If the given value is not a dictionary with those keys, it is put into a dictionary with the key determined by the rcParams 'ticks.which' key (usually 'major'). The values in the dictionary can be one types below.

  • None – use the default ticks

  • int – for an integer i, only every i-th tick of the default ticks are used

  • numeric array – specifies the ticks manually

  • str or list [str, …] – Automatically determine the ticks corresponding to the data. The given string determines how the ticks are calculated. If not a single string but a list, the second value determines the number of ticks (see below). A string can be one of the following:


    plot the ticks exactly where the data is.


    plot the ticks in the middle of the data.


    Sets the minimum and maximum of the ticks to the rounded data minimum or maximum. Ticks are rounded to the next 0.5 value with to the difference between data max- and minimum. The minimal tick will always be lower or equal than the data minimum, the maximal tick will always be higher or equal than the data maximum.


    Same as rounded above but the ticks are chose such that they are symmetric around zero


    Uses the minimum as minimal tick and maximum as maximal tick


    Same as minmax but symmetric around zero


    draw ticks every hour


    draw ticks every day


    draw ticks every week

    month, monthend, monthbegin

    draw ticks in the middle, at the end or at the beginning of each month

    year, yearend, yearbegin

    draw ticks in the middle, at the end or at the beginning of each year

    For data, mid, hour, day, week, month, etc., the optional second value can be an integer i determining that every i-th data point shall be used (by default, it is set to 1). For rounded, roundedsym, minmax and sym, the second value determines the total number of ticks (defaults to 11).


Plot 11 ticks over the whole data range:

>>> plotter.update(xticks='rounded')

Plot 7 ticks over the whole data range where the maximal and minimal tick matches the data maximum and minimum:

>>> plotter.update(xticks=['minmax', 7])

Plot ticks every year and minor ticks every month:

>>> plotter.update(xticks={'major': 'year', 'minor': 'month'})

Rotate the y-axis ticks

Possible types

float – The rotation angle in degrees

See also



Modify the y-axis ticklabels

Possible types

  • dict – A dictionary with the keys 'minor' and (or) 'major' to specify which ticks are managed. If the given value is not a dictionary with those keys, it is put into a dictionary with the key determined by the rcParams 'ticks.which' key (usually 'major'). The values in the dictionary can be one types below.

  • str – A formatstring like '%Y' for plotting the year (in the case that time is shown on the axis) or ‘%i’ for integers

  • array – An array of strings to use for the ticklabels


Specify the y-axis tick parameters

This formatoption can be used to make a detailed change of the ticks parameters of the y-axis.

Possible types

  • dict – A dictionary with the keys 'minor' and (or) 'major' to specify which ticks are managed. If the given value is not a dictionary with those keys, it is put into a dictionary with the key determined by the rcParams 'ticks.which' key (usually 'major'). The values in the dictionary can be one types below.

  • dict – Items may be anything of the matplotlib.pyplot.tick_params() function


Modify the y-axis ticks

Possible types

  • dict – A dictionary with the keys 'minor' and (or) 'major' to specify which ticks are managed. If the given value is not a dictionary with those keys, it is put into a dictionary with the key determined by the rcParams 'ticks.which' key (usually 'major'). The values in the dictionary can be one types below.

  • None – use the default ticks

  • int – for an integer i, only every i-th tick of the default ticks are used

  • numeric array – specifies the ticks manually

  • str or list [str, …] – Automatically determine the ticks corresponding to the data. The given string determines how the ticks are calculated. If not a single string but a list, the second value determines the number of ticks (see below). A string can be one of the following:


    plot the ticks exactly where the data is.


    plot the ticks in the middle of the data.


    Sets the minimum and maximum of the ticks to the rounded data minimum or maximum. Ticks are rounded to the next 0.5 value with to the difference between data max- and minimum. The minimal tick will always be lower or equal than the data minimum, the maximal tick will always be higher or equal than the data maximum.


    Same as rounded above but the ticks are chose such that they are symmetric around zero


    Uses the minimum as minimal tick and maximum as maximal tick


    Same as minmax but symmetric around zero


    draw ticks every hour


    draw ticks every day


    draw ticks every week

    month, monthend, monthbegin

    draw ticks in the middle, at the end or at the beginning of each month

    year, yearend, yearbegin

    draw ticks in the middle, at the end or at the beginning of each year

    For data, mid, hour, day, week, month, etc., the optional second value can be an integer i determining that every i-th data point shall be used (by default, it is set to 1). For rounded, roundedsym, minmax and sym, the second value determines the total number of ticks (defaults to 11).

See also

yticklabels, ticksize, tickweight, ytickprops


for possible examples


Mask data points between two numbers

Possible types

float – The floating number to mask above


Mask data points greater than or equal to a number

Possible types

float – The floating number to mask above


Mask data points greater than a number

Possible types

float – The floating number to mask above


Mask data points smaller than or equal to a number

Possible types

float – The floating number to mask below


Mask data points smaller than a number

Possible types

float – The floating number to mask below


Use an alternative variable as x-coordinate

This formatoption let’s you specify another variable in the base dataset of the data array in case you want to use this as the x-coordinate instead of the raw data

Possible types

  • None – Use the default

  • str – The name of the variable to use in the base dataset

  • xarray.DataArray – An alternative variable with the same shape as the displayed array


To see the difference, we create a simple test dataset:

>>> import xarray as xr

>>> import numpy as np

>>> import psyplot.project as psy

>>> ds = xr.Dataset({
...     'temp': xr.Variable(('time', ), np.arange(5)),
...     'std': xr.Variable(('time', ), np.arange(5, 10))})
>>> ds
Dimensions:  (time: 5)
  * time     (time) int64 0 1 2 3 4
Data variables:
    temp     (time) int64 0 1 2 3 4
    std      (time) int64 5 6 7 8 9

If we create a plot with it, we get the 'time' dimension on the x-axis:

>>> plotter = psy.plot.lineplot(ds, name=['temp']).plotters[0]

>>> plotter.plot_data[0].dims

If we however set the 'coord' keyword, we get:

>>> plotter = psy.plot.lineplot(
...     ds, name=['temp'], coord='std').plotters[0]

>>> plotter.plot_data[0].dims

and 'std' is plotted on the x-axis.


Apply your own postprocessing script

This formatoption let’s you apply your own post processing script. Just enter the script as a string and it will be executed. The formatoption will be made available via the self variable

Possible types

  • None – Don’t do anything

  • str – The post processing script as string


This formatoption uses the built-in exec() function to compile the script. Since this poses a security risk when loading psyplot projects, it is by default disabled through the Plotter.enable_post attribute. If you are sure that you can trust the script in this formatoption, set this attribute of the corresponding Plotter to True


Assume, you want to manually add the mean of the data to the title of the matplotlib axes. You can simply do this via

from psyplot.plotter import Plotter
from xarray import DataArray
plotter = Plotter(DataArray([1, 2, 3]))
# enable the post formatoption
plotter.enable_post = True

By default, the post formatoption is only ran, when it is explicitly updated. However, you can use the post_timing formatoption, to run it automatically. E.g. for running it after every update of the plotter, you can set


See also


Determine the timing of this formatoption


Determine when to run the post formatoption

This formatoption determines, whether the post formatoption should be run never, after replot or after every update.

Possible types

  • ‘never’ – Never run post processing scripts

  • ‘always’ – Always run post processing scripts

  • ‘replot’ – Only run post processing scripts when the data changes or a replot is necessary

See also


The post processing formatoption

class psy_strat.plotters.TitleLoc(key, plotter=None, index_in_list=None, additional_children=[], additional_dependencies=[], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: psyplot.plotter.Formatoption

Specify the position of the axes title

  • str

    The position the axes title


    In the center of the axes (the standard way)


    At the left corner


    At the right corner

  • key (str) – formatoption key in the plotter

  • plotter (psyplot.plotter.Plotter) – Plotter instance that holds this formatoption. If None, it is assumed that this instance serves as a descriptor.

  • index_in_list (int or None) – The index that shall be used if the data is a psyplot.InteractiveList

  • additional_children (list or str) – Additional children to use (see the children attribute)

  • additional_dependencies (list or str) – Additional dependencies to use (see the dependencies attribute)

  • **kwargs – Further keywords may be used to specify different names for children, dependencies and connection formatoptions that match the setup of the plotter. Hence, keywords may be anything of the children, dependencies and connections attributes, with values being the name of the new formatoption in this plotter.



str(object=’’) -> str


str(object=’’) -> str



Method that is call to update the formatoption on the axes

group = 'labels'
name = 'Location of the axes title'

Method that is call to update the formatoption on the axes


value – Value to update

class psy_strat.plotters.TitleWrap(key, plotter=None, index_in_list=None, additional_children=[], additional_dependencies=[], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: psyplot.plotter.Formatoption

Wrap the title automatically

This formatoption wraps the title using textwrap.wrap().

Possible types



Built-in mutable sequence.


str(object=’’) -> str


str(object=’’) -> str


title Formatoption instance in the plotter



Method that is call to update the formatoption on the axes

int – If 0, the title will not be rapped, otherwise it will be wrapped after the given number of characters


This wraps the title after a certain amount of characters. For wrapping the text automatically before it leaves the plot area, use titleprops=dict(wrap=True)

  • key (str) – formatoption key in the plotter

  • plotter (psyplot.plotter.Plotter) – Plotter instance that holds this formatoption. If None, it is assumed that this instance serves as a descriptor.

  • index_in_list (int or None) – The index that shall be used if the data is a psyplot.InteractiveList

  • additional_children (list or str) – Additional children to use (see the children attribute)

  • additional_dependencies (list or str) – Additional dependencies to use (see the dependencies attribute)

  • **kwargs – Further keywords may be used to specify different names for children, dependencies and connection formatoptions that match the setup of the plotter. Hence, keywords may be anything of the children, dependencies and connections attributes, with values being the name of the new formatoption in this plotter.

dependencies = ['title']
group = 'labels'
name = 'Wrap the title'
property title

title Formatoption instance in the plotter


Method that is call to update the formatoption on the axes


value – Value to update