psy_strat.stratplot module

Module to create new stratigraphic plots

This module defines the stratplot() function that can be used to create stratigraphic plots such as pollen diagrams


StackedGroup(arrays[, bbox, use_weakref, group])

A grouper for stacked plots

StratAllInOne(arrays[, bbox, use_weakref, group])

A StratGroup for single plots

StratGroup(arrays[, bbox, use_weakref, group])

Base class for visualizing stratigraphic plots

StratPercentages(arrays[, bbox, …])

A StratGroup for percentages plots


stratplot(df[, group_func, formatoptions, …])

Visualize a dataframe as a stratigraphic plot

class psy_strat.stratplot.StackedGroup(arrays, bbox=None, use_weakref=True, group=None)[source]

Bases: psy_strat.stratplot.StratAllInOne

A grouper for stacked plots

  • arrays (list of xarray.DataArray) – The data arrays that are plotted by this StratGroup instance

  • bbox (matplotlib.transforms.Bbox) – The bounding box for the axes

  • use_weakref (bool) – If True, only weak references are used

  • group (str) – The groupname of this grouper. If not given, it will be taken from the 'maingroup' attribute of the first array



dict() -> new empty dictionary


dict() -> new empty dictionary

bar_default_fmt = {'categorical': False, 'legend': True, 'plot': 'stacked', 'title': '%(group)s', 'titleprops': {}, 'ytickprops': {'labelleft': False, 'left': False}}
default_fmt = {'legend': True, 'plot': 'stacked', 'title': '%(group)s', 'titleprops': {}, 'ytickprops': {'labelleft': False, 'left': False}}
class psy_strat.stratplot.StratAllInOne(arrays, bbox=None, use_weakref=True, group=None)[source]

Bases: psy_strat.stratplot.StratGroup

A StratGroup for single plots

  • arrays (list of xarray.DataArray) – The data arrays that are plotted by this StratGroup instance

  • bbox (matplotlib.transforms.Bbox) – The bounding box for the axes

  • use_weakref (bool) – If True, only weak references are used

  • group (str) – The groupname of this grouper. If not given, it will be taken from the 'maingroup' attribute of the first array



The arrays managed by this StratGroup.


dict() -> new empty dictionary


dict() -> new empty dictionary


from_dataset(fig, bbox, ds, variables[, …])

Create StratGroup while creating a stratigraphic plot


Reimplemented to do nothing because all variables are in one axes


Hide the variable of the given name


Check if the given arr is shown


Reorder the plot objects


Show the variable of the given name

property arrays

The arrays managed by this StratGroup. One array for each variable

bar_default_fmt = {'categorical': False, 'legend': True, 'title': '%(group)s', 'titleprops': {}, 'ytickprops': {'labelleft': False, 'left': False}}
default_fmt = {'legend': True, 'title': '%(group)s', 'titleprops': {}, 'ytickprops': {'labelleft': False, 'left': False}}
classmethod from_dataset(fig, bbox, ds, variables, fmt=None, project=None, ax0=None, use_bars=False, group=None)[source]

Create StratGroup while creating a stratigraphic plot

Create a stratigraphic plot within the given bbox of fig.


The newly created instance with the arrays

Return type



Reimplemented to do nothing because all variables are in one axes


Hide the variable of the given name


name (str) – The variable name


Check if the given arr is shown


Reorder the plot objects


mapping (dict) – A mapping from the new index to the old one


Show the variable of the given name


name (str) – The variable name

class psy_strat.stratplot.StratGroup(arrays, bbox=None, use_weakref=True, group=None)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for visualizing stratigraphic plots

  • arrays (list of xarray.DataArray) – The data arrays that are plotted by this StratGroup instance

  • bbox (matplotlib.transforms.Bbox) – The bounding box for the axes

  • use_weakref (bool) – If True, only weak references are used

  • group (str) – The groupname of this grouper. If not given, it will be taken from the 'maingroup' attribute of the first array



All variables of this group in the dataset



The arrays managed by this StratGroup.



dict() -> new empty dictionary


The default formatoptions for the plots


The figure that contains the plots


The data objects that contain the plotters


The plotters of the arrays


from_dataset(fig, bbox, ds, variables[, …])

Create StratGroup while creating a stratigraphic plot


Group the variables visually


Hide the variable of the given name


Check if the given arr is shown


Reorder the plot objects


Resize the axes in this group


Show the variable of the given name

property all_arrays

All variables of this group in the dataset

property arr_names
property arrays

The arrays managed by this StratGroup. One array for each variable

property axes
bar_default_fmt = {'categorical': False, 'ytickprops': {'labelleft': False, 'left': False}}
default_fmt = {'ytickprops': {'labelleft': False, 'left': False}}

The default formatoptions for the plots

property figure

The figure that contains the plots

classmethod from_dataset(fig, bbox, ds, variables, fmt=None, project=None, ax0=None, use_bars=False, group=None)[source]

Create StratGroup while creating a stratigraphic plot

Create a stratigraphic plot within the given bbox of fig.


The newly created instance with the arrays

Return type



Group the variables visually


height (float) – The height of the grouper. If not specified, the previous grouper_height attribute will be used

grouper_height = None

Hide the variable of the given name


name (str) – The variable name


Check if the given arr is shown

property plotter_arrays

The data objects that contain the plotters

property plotters

The plotters of the arrays


Reorder the plot objects


names (list of str) – The variable names that should be the first


Resize the axes in this group


Show the variable of the given name


name (str) – The variable name

class psy_strat.stratplot.StratPercentages(arrays, bbox=None, use_weakref=True, group=None)[source]

Bases: psy_strat.stratplot.StratGroup

A StratGroup for percentages plots

  • arrays (list of xarray.DataArray) – The data arrays that are plotted by this StratGroup instance

  • bbox (matplotlib.transforms.Bbox) – The bounding box for the axes

  • use_weakref (bool) – If True, only weak references are used

  • group (str) – The groupname of this grouper. If not given, it will be taken from the 'maingroup' attribute of the first array



dict() -> new empty dictionary


dict() -> new empty dictionary



Resize the axes in this group

bar_default_fmt = {'categorical': False, 'xlim': (0, 'rounded'), 'xticks': array([10, 30, 50, 70, 90]), 'ytickprops': {'labelleft': False, 'left': False}}
default_fmt = {'plot': 'areax', 'xlim': (0, 'rounded'), 'xticks': array([10, 30, 50, 70, 90]), 'ytickprops': {'labelleft': False, 'left': False}}

Resize the axes in this group

psy_strat.stratplot.stratplot(df, group_func=None, formatoptions=None, ax=None, thresh=0.01, percentages=[], exclude=[], widths=None, calculate_percentages=True, min_percentage=20.0, trunc_height=0.3, fig=None, all_in_one=[], stacked=[], summed=[], use_bars=False, subgroups={})[source]

Visualize a dataframe as a stratigraphic plot

This functions takes a pandas.DataFrame and transforms it to a stratigraphic plot. The columns in the DataFrame may be grouped together using the group_func and the widths per group should then be specified. This function uses matplotlib axes for each subdiagram that all share a common vertical axes, the index of df. The variables are managed in the order of occurence in the input df but, however, are grouped together depending on the group_func.

The default is to plot every variable in df into separete line plots that line up vertically. You can use the percentages parameter for area plots, the all_in_one parameter for groups that should be all in one single plot (i.e. axes) and the stacked parameter for stacked plots.

  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – The dataframe containing the data to plot.

  • group_func (function) –

    A function that groups the columns in the input df together. It must accept the name of a column and return the corresponding group name:

    def group_func(col_name: str):
        return "name of it's group"

    If this parameter is not specified, each column will be assigned to the ‘nogroup’ group that can then be used in the other parameters, such as formatoptions and percentages. Each group may also be divided into subgroups (see below), in this case, the group_func should return the corresponding subgroup.

  • formatoptions (dict) – The formatoption for each group. Depending on the chosen plot method, this contains the formatoptions for the psyplot plotter.

  • ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes) – The matplotlib axes to plot on. New axes will be created that cover all the space of the given axes. If this parameter is not specified and fig is None, a new matplotlib figure is created with a new matplotlib axes.

  • thresh (float) – A minimum number between 0 and 100 (by default 1%) that a percentages column has to fullfil in order to be included in the plot. If a variable is always below this threshold, it will not be included in the figure

  • percentages (list of str or bool) – The group names (see group_func) that represent percentage values. This variables will be visualized using an area plot and can be rescaled to sum up to 100% using the calculate_percentages parameter. This parameter can also be set to True if all groups shall be considered as percentage data

  • exclude (list of str) – Either group names of column names in df that should be excluded in the plot

  • widths (dict) –

    A mapping from group name to it’s relative width in the plot. The values of this mapping should some up to 1, e.g.:

    widths = {'group1': 0.3, 'group2': 0.5, 'group3': 0.2}

  • calculate_percentages (bool or list of str) – If True, rescale the groups mentioned in the percentages parameter to sum up to 100%. In case of a list of str, this parameter represents the group (or variable) names that shall be used for the normalization

  • min_percentage (float) – The minimum percentage (between 0 and 100) that should be covered by variables displaying percentages data. Each plot in one of the percentages groups will have at least have a xlim from 0 to min_percentage

  • trunc_height (float) – A float between 0 and 1. The fraction of the ax that should be reserved for the group titles.

  • fig (matplotlib.Figure) – The matplotlib figure to draw the plot on. If neither ax nor fig is specified, a new figure will be created.

  • all_in_one (list of str) – The groups mentioned in this parameter will all be plotted in one single axes whereas the default is to plot each variable in a separate plot

  • stacked (list of str) – The groups mentioned in this parameter will all be plotted in one single axes, stacked onto each other

  • summed (list of str) – The groups (or subgroups) mentioned in this parameter will be summed and an extra plot will be appended to the right of the stratigraphic diagram

  • use_bars (list of str or bool) – The variables specified in this parameter (or all variables if use_bars is True) will be visualized by a bar diagram, instead of a line or area plot.

  • subgroups (dict) –

    A mapping from group name to a list of subgroups, e.g.:

    subgroups = {'Pollen': ['Trees', 'Shrubs']}

    to divide an overarching group into subgroups.


  • psyplot.project.Project – The newly created psyplot subproject that contains the displayed data

  • list of StratGroup – The groupers that manage the different variables. There is one grouper per group